VIS-CAM System
Figure 36. Focus Bar Waveform Display with waveform cursors.
9.Use one hand to carefully hold the focus ring of the lens in place while you rotate the filter ring on the very front of the lens with your other hand. Turn the filter ring until the white mark on the ring is oriented straight up (or down). Secure the filter ring in place with a small dab of RTV glue.
10.Printout the image of the screen using the “File
11.Have your assistant move the plate stand back to the near trigger line and
12.Drive the setup vehicle slowly towards the trigger line in the same heading as normal traffic flow and center it directly between the camera being aligned and the adjacent camera that has already been aligned. Marking the position halfway between adjacent cameras at the trigger line with some marker is advisable to help the driver properly aim the vehicle.
13.Park the vehicle at the location where it just barely causes the trigger to cause an image to be captured. For loop triggers, park the vehicle where a vehicle would normally be located when the loop trigger signals the VIS to capture an image.
4.1.11 Flash Head Alignment
The following section provides a general procedure to align the VIS flash head. Be sure to follow any specific alignment procedure provided with your system.
Align the flash head at night and after aligning the cameras. Park a light colored vehicle underneath the camera and where the vehicle detector triggers the camera.
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