8. Optional Accessories
Synchro cord
•This is a
18% Gray Card
•18% gray card with cover (110mm x 102mm, 4 1/4” x 3 1/ 2”), folds to 2 3/4” x 4 3/4”, and fits in a shirt pocket.
•It provides accurate exposures regardless of reflected ratio of the subject and surroundings.
Lens Hood/Step-Up Ring (30.5mm → 40.5mm)
Exposure Profile Target
•This is a Gray Scale Test target for Exposure Profiling and meter calibration. (The size is 260 x 160mm. 10.2” x 6.3”). One side is nine gray patches including black and white, and the other side is an: 18% gray card for digital camera white balancing and spot metering.