42 | Groups / Code Sets / Zones - Tab 2 |
1.Groups: You can program a maximum of 18 groups for each CT Receiver labeled a - r for your refer- ence only. Group 0 cannot be changed, it is
3.Title: Name the group (zone) with a name that will make sense to the client. If the group controls just one zone, name it for that zone. If it will control several zones, name it intuitively for the area it controls.
4.Hardware Zones: Work by row, check the boxes for zones that will make up each group. In the fig- ure above, code
5.Absolute/Relative: These settings decipher how volume will be controlled among zones grouped together. Absolute will sync all volumes to the volume level of the zone from which the volume command was received before adjusting up or down. Relative control will adjust volume levels up or down without sync- ing to the same volume level.
B & K
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