VIVOTEK - A Leading Provider of Multimedia Communication Solutions
winheight_<0~2> | 0 ~ 240 |
| Height of motion detection window. | ||
(r/w) |
| <0> |
winobjsize_<0~2> | 0 ~ 100 |
| Percent of motion detection window | ||
(r/w) |
| <0> |
winsensitivity_<0~2 | 0 ~ 100 |
| Sensitivity of motion detection window | ||
> |
| <0> |
(r/w) |
update |
| 1 |
| Update the above motion detection settings | |
(w) |
| to take effect | |
Group: DDNS |
| ||
| ||
| |
enable | 0, 1 |
| Enable or disable the dynamic dns. |
| |
(r/w) |
| <0> |
| |
| ||
provider | 1 ~ 6 |
| dyndns.org (dynamic) |
| ||
(r/w) |
| dyndns.org (custom) |
| |
| tzo.com |
| |
| dhs.org |
| |
| safe100.net |
| |
| ||
| <1> |
| |
| |
hostname | Text | string shorter | than | Your dynamic hostname. |
| |
(r/w) | 127 characters. |
| <blank> |
| ||
| |||
usernameemail | Text string shorter than 63 | Your user or email to login ddns service |
| |||
(r/w) | characters. |
| provider |
| ||
| <blank> |
| |
| |||
passwordkey | Text string shorter than 20 | Your password or key to login ddns service |
| |||
(r/w) | characters. |
| provider |
| ||
| <blank> |
| |
| |
update | 0, 1 |
| Update the above ddns settings to take |
| |
(w) |
| effect |
| |
Group: UPNP
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71 - User's Manual