room EQ
As many as five filters can be built for each speaker channel, except the Aux channels defined for
In order to define the Room EQ filters, select Room EQ from the Setup Menu. Choose which channel(s) you wish to adjust. Individually select and activate a band, then tune it with the appropriate centre frequency, Q, and gain. Once the appropriate number of bands have been activated and tuned, use the Activate Group button to turn the filters on and off as a before/after check on your progress for the channel.
You do not need to have filters defined for every channel. The installer need only make the adjustments to the channels necessary to correct for the room’s interaction. We encourage you to consult with your authorized Classé dealer to properly calibrate the
The Configuration Setup menu allows you to define up to six different speaker configurations. Touch the button for the specific configuration you want to set up to open the configuration setup menu, shown on the right. The menu contains four buttons that completely define the configuration
–Name, Distance, Levels, and Speakers – plus a fifth button that activates the configuration. The same menu is used to set up each configuration.