7.5 Calling up factory settings/Delete All
You can return to the original factory (default) settings at any time. You can also, if the programme list is completely outda- ted because of changes made by programme providers, delete this completely, and then perform a new search. Plea- se note that after you have carried out the Delete function you must start a search, and must then copy the desired program- mes from the Total list to the Favourites list.
>Use the Menu key to call up the Main Menu.
>Now use the arrow keys up/down to select the line Settings.
>Confirm by pressing OK. The
>Now use the arrow keys up/down to select the line Factory Settings.
>Confirm by pressing OK. The
7.5.1 Activating Factory/Default Setting
This function allows you to return to the original default set- tings, at the same time deleting all your personal settings.
>Use the arrow keys up/down to select the line
Activate Default Settings.
>Confirm by pressing OK.
The message “Do you really want to activate default settings?”will be displayed.
>Use the arrow keys left/right to select Yes or No.
>Confirm by pressing OK.
7.5.2 Delete All Programmes
This function allows you to delete the entire programme memory.
>Use the arrow keys up/down to select the line
Delete All Programmes.
>Confirm by pressing OK.
The message “Do you really want to delete all programmes?” will be displayed.
>Use the arrow keys left/right to select Yes or Abort.
>Confirm bei pressing OK.
Please also note any messages displayed on screen.