8.Amplifier adjustment and diagnostics
Important remarks:
A. If all the previous steps were accomplished you may now turn on the power and continue with the following adjustments. You may omit the step for current mode or velocity mode according to your application.
B. In some applications, especially those where the motor electrical parameters (total inductance and resistance in the armature circuit) are much smaller or larger than normally encountered, the current loop response should be optimized before proceeding with the following steps - See Appendix A.
8.1Balance adjustment
If the motor is rotating with the command signal at zero voltage, a balance adjustment will be necessary. Turn the balance trimmer (T5) as required until the motor stops. As a rule, have the command signal connected and set to zero when balancing the amplifier. This way, any offset in the command signal will be canceled.
8.2Current limit adjustment
The amplifiers' current limits can be adjusted without the need for loading. Disconnect motor leads and connect a voltmeter between the Current Command Monitor (terminal
The current monitor range is up to 7.5V and its scale depends on the amplifier rated continuous current (Ic) and is given by:
ISP - Rev 6/95