HALT USE IMMEDIATELY IF A PROBLEM APPEARS. When prob- lems occur such as a lack of sound or video, foreign objects inside the unit, smoke coming out, or noxious odors, stop use immediately and contact the dealer where you bought the equip- ment. Failure to do so may result in an accident or injury.
DO NOT OPERATE THE EQUIP- MENT OR LOOK AT THE SCREEN WHILE DRIVING THE VEHICLE. Operating the equipment may distract the driver from looking ahead of the vehicle and cause accident. Always stop the vehicle in a safe location before operating this equipment.
NE PAS FAIRE DE REGLAGES OU REGARDER L'ECRAN PENDANT LA CONDUITE. Votre attention sera détournée de la route et vous risquez un accident. Avant de faire fonction- ner l'appareil,
DO NOT RAISE THE VOLUME EXCESSIVELY. Keep the volume at a level where you can still hear outside noises while driving. Driving while unable to hear outside noises could be the cause of accident.
VOLUME. Réglez le volume de |
manière à pouvoir entendre les bruits |
extérieurs pendant la conduite. Si |
vous ne pouvez pas entendre les |
bruits extérieurs quand vous condui- | 3 |
sez, vous risquez un accident. | |