Sony XR-2753 operating instructions Playing a tape in various modes

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Locating the beginning of a track

Automatic Music Sensor (AMS)

You can skip up to nine tracks at one time.

During playback, press either side of (SEEK/AMS) momentarily.

To locate the succeeding tracks



To locate the preceding tracks


The AMS function may not work when :

the blanks between tracks are shorter than 4 seconds

there is noise between tracks

there are long sections of low volume or quiet sections.

Changing the displayed items

Each time you press (DSPL) momentarilly during tape playback, the displayed item changes as follows:


Tape playback ÷Frequency*


* While the ATA function is activated.



Playing a tape in various modes

Searching for the desired track

Intro scan

Press (1) during playback.

“INTRO” appears on the display.

The first 10 seconds of all the tracks are played.

When you find the desired track, press again. The unit returns to the normal playback mode.

Playing tracks repeatedly

Repeat play

Press (2) during playback.

“REP” appears on the display.

When the current played track is over, it will be played again from the beginning.

To cancel this mode, press again.

Playing a CrO2 or Metal tape

Press (4) when you want to listen to a

CrO2 (TYPE II) or metal (TYPE IV) tape. “METAL” appears on the display.

To cancel this mode, press (4).

Switching to the radio while fast- winding a tape

Automatic Tuner Activation (ATA)

Press (5) during playback.

“ATA” appears on the display.

When fast-forwarding or rewinding with (SEEK/AMS), the tuner will turn on automatically.

To cancel this mode, press (5).

Skipping blanks during tape playback — Blank skip

Press (6) during playback. “BL.SKIP” appears on the display.

Blanks longer than eight seconds will automatically be skipped during tape playback.

To cancel this mode, press (6).

Actual total number:

Sony XR-2753 (E,Pl,Bg,Hu,R) 3-859-732-22(1)

Image 4
Contents 859-732-221 By Sony CorporationActual total number Sony XR-2753 E,Pl,Bg,Hu,RTable of contents WelcomeListening to a tape Resetting the unitFast-winding the tape Playing a tape in various modes Best Tuning Memory BTM Press Mode repeatedly to select the bandPress Source repeatedly to select the tuner Press BTM for two secondsIf you cannot tune in a preset station Adjust the selected item by pressing either + or ÐReceiving the memorised stations Muting the soundPrecautions Changing the sound and beep toneBoosting the bass sound D-Bass Muting the beep toneMaintenance Fuse ReplacementRemoving the unit Cassette careRotary remote labels Mode * button BL.SKIP Blank Skip button Reset buttonLocation of controls SEEK/AMS button 3, 4, 5 Source button TAPE/TUNER 3, 5Specifications Power amplifier sectionCassette player section Tuner sectionTape playback Troubleshooting guideRadio reception Index Spis tre ci WitamySony XR-2753 E,Pl,Bg,Hu,R Przygotowania Odtwarzacz ta m T Í p n e Kasetowych WyzerowanieUchanie ta my Szybkie przewijanie ta myOdtwarzanie ta my w RÛønych trybachTryb Best Tuning Memory BTM RadioPamiÍÊ najlepszego strojenia Zapobieganie WypadkomKodowanie wy ±cznie wybranych stacji nadawczych Pozosta e funkcje Regulacja Charakterystyk dºwiÍkuWyciszanie dºwiÍku Wspomaganie dºwiÍkÛw niskich funkcja ä D-BassInformacje dodatkowe ¶rodki Ostroøno ciUwagi dotycz±ce kaset Aby utrzymaÊ wysok± jako ÊKonserwacja Wyjmowanie sprzÍtuWymiana bezpiecznika Informacje dodatkoweUmiejscowienie kontrolek Dane Techniczne CzÍ Ê odtwarzacza kasetCzÍ Ê tunera OgÛlneOdtwarzanie ta m Usuwanie usterekOdbiÛr audycji radiowych Indeks V, W, X, Y, ZÑÓ·  ‰Ó¯ÎË ˙‰˙ ʇÌˇ˜‡ÎÌË ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Ëfl ‡ÒÂÚÓÙÓÌÂ̇ÒÚ ÓÈ͇ ̇ ‡Ô‡‡Ú‡ ‡ÒÂÚ‡Ú‡˙ Òâìâ ̇ ÊÂÎ‡Ì Á‡ÔËÒ ÎÛÌ͈Ëfl Intro scan ÈÓÒΉӂ‡ÚÂÎÌÓ ‚˙ÁÔ ÓËÁ‚Âʉ‡ÌÂÎÛÌ͈Ëfl Repeat play ËÎË metalÎÛÌ͈Ëfl Best Tuning Memory BTM ‡‰ËÓ‡Ô‡‡Ú‡Ô‡ÏÂÚfl‚‡Ì ҇ÏÓ Ì‡ ‡‰ËÓÒڇ̈ËË„Ë ÙÛÌ͈ËË ËÂχÌ ̇Ê„ÛÎË ‡Ì ̇ ‡„ÎÛ¯‡‚‡Ì ̇ Á‚Û͇Å ÍËÁ‡·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚ ‚ÛÍÓ‚Ëfl Ò˄̇ηÛÚÓ̇ SEL ‰˙Îʇ‚‡ ̇ ÒΉ‚‡˘‡Ú‡ ÒÚ ‡Ìˈ‡ÈÓ‰‰˙ ʇÌ ‡ ‰‡ ÔÓ‰‰˙ ʇÚ ‚ËÒÓÍÓ Í‡˜ÂÒÚ‚Ó Ì‡ Á‚Û͇‡·ÂÎÂÊÍË Óúìóòìó ͇ÒÂÚËÚ ÈÓ‰Ïfl̇ ̇ ÂÎ. Ô Â‰Ô‡ÁËÚÂ΂‡ÎflÌ ̇ ‡Ô‡ ‡Ú‡ Öúëíâúë Á‡ ÓÚ‡ˆËÓÌÌÓÚÓ ‰ËÒڇ̈ËÓÌÌÓ ÛÔ ‡‚ÎÂÌˇ ‰‡ Ô Â‰ÓÚ‚ ‡ÚËÚÂ Í ‡Ê·‡ ̇ ‡Ô‡ ‡Ú‡ ˙‰ÂÚ ‚ÌËχÚÂÎÌË Ô Ë Ò‚‡ÎflÌ ̇Åûúóì Mode Åûúóì Source TAPE/TUNER 3, 5Åûúóìë +Ð ÒË·/ÌËÒÍË/‚ËÒÓÍË Åûúóì OFFÍÂõÌ˘ÂÒÍË õ‡ ‡ÍÚ Ëòúëíë ‡Á‰ÂΠ͇ÒÂÚÓÙÓ̇Á‰ÂÎ ÛÒË΂‡ÚÂÎ ‡Á‰ÂÎ Ó·˘Ë· ˘ Ë ˙ÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Á‡ Óúòú ‡Ìfl‚‡Ì ̇ Ìâëáô ‡‚ÌÓÒÚˇ‰ËÓÔ ËÂχÌ Í, ì À̉ÂÍÒÑ, ó, ò Isten hozta TartalomjegyzÈkBevezetÈs Kazetta lej·tszÛ KÈsz¸lÈk ˙jra·llÌt·saKazetta lej·tsz·sa Szalag gyorstekercselÈseTˆbbfÈlekÈppen ·diÛ ·diÛ·llom·sok automatikus Memoriz·l·saKÌv·nt csatorn·k memoriz·l·sa Legjobb Hangol·s Memoriz·l·sa BTM·s funkciÛk Memoriz·lt adÛk vÈteleHangjellemzõk Be·llÌt·sa Hang elnÈmÌt·saHang Ès a csipogÛ jelzÈs megv·ltoztat·sa EgyÈb inform·ciÛVintÈzkedÈsek Karbantart·s KÈsz¸lÈk kivÈteleMegjegyzÈsek a kazett·krÛl BiztosÌtÈkcsereForgÛ t·vvezÈrlõ cÌmkÈje EgyÈb inform·ciÛSzab·lyozÛk elhelyezkedÈse ·sd a megfelelõ oldalakat a rÈszletes leÌr·sÈrtRÈszletes leÌr·s Kazetta lej·tszÛ egysÈg·diÛ egysÈg ¡ltal·nosKazetta lej·tsz·s HibajavÌtÛ ˙tmutatÛ·diÛ hallgat·s Index O, P, QËӉ ʇÌË ‡„ÌËÚÓÙÓÌ È Â̇ÒÚ ÓÈ͇ ‡ÔÔ‡‡Ú‡È ÂÏÓÚ͇ ÎÂÌÚ˚ ‚ÓÒÔ ÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌˇÁ΢Ì˚ ˚·Â ËÚ‰ˇԇÁÓÌ ÔÓÒΉӂ‡ÚÂθÌ˚Ï Ì‡Ê‡ÚËÂÏ Íìóôíë Mode ‡‰ËÓÔ Ëâïìëí‚ÚÓχÚ˘ÂÒÍËÈ ‚‚Ó‰ ‡‰ËÓÒڇ̈ËÈ ‚ Ô‡ÏflÚ¸ ‡ÊÏËÚ Íìóôíû Ò ÒÓÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚Û˛˘ËϘË ÙÛÌ͈ËË Î ˛ ˜ Â Ì Ë ÂÉÚÍβ˜ÂÌË Á‚Û͇ P„ÛÎË Ó‚Í‡ Ô‡ ‡ÏÂÚ Ó‚ Á‚Û˜‡ÌËflÉÚÍβ˜ÂÌËÂ Ô Â‰ÛÔ Â‰ËÚÂθÌÓ„Ó Ò˄̇· ÑÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂθ̇fl ÌÙÓ Ï‡ˆËflÍìóôíû SEL, ̇ÊÏËÚ ÇÓ ËÁ·ÂʇÌË ÛõÛ‰¯ÂÌËfl ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚‡ Á‚Û͇ ‡ÒÒÂÚ‡õËÎË Á‡ÏÂÌËڠ ÌõÓ‰ Á‡ ͇ÒÒÂÚ‡ÏËÌõÓ‰ Á‡ ‡ÔÔ‡ ‡ÚÓÏ ÀÁ‚ΘÂÌËÂ Ô Ë·Ó ‡ÙÚËÍÂÚÍË ‚ ‡˘‡˛˘Â„ÓÒfl ‡ÏÂ̇ Ô Â‰Óõ ‡ÌËÚÂÎÂȇÒÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËÂ Ó „‡ÌÓ‚ ÛÔ ‡‚ÎÂÌËfl ‡„ÌËÚÓÎÓÈ, Ôóòîâ Á‡ÏÂÌ˚ÒÎÛ˜‡Â, Âòîë ̇ Û¯ËÎÓÒ¸ ‡ÔÔ‡‡ÚÓÏÍÂõÌ˘ÂÒÍË ‰‡ÌÌ˚ ‡„ÌËÚÓÙÓ̇‰ËÓÔ Ëâïìëí FM ·˘Ë ‰‡ÌÌ˚· ˘   ÊÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ÔÓ ÛÒÚ ‡ÌÂÌ˲ ÌÂÔÓ·‰Ó͇‰ËÓÔ Ëâïìëí Ì, î, ï, ñ Á, à, ä, ãÔ, õ, ù, û, ü ÑÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂθ̇fl Ëìùó χˆËflActual total number