Sony XR-2753 operating instructions Receiving the memorised stations, Muting the sound, Press Mute

Page 6

Receiving the memorised stations

1 Press (SOURCE) repeatedly to select the tuner.

2 Press (MODE) repeatedly to select the band.

3 Press the preset number button ((1) to

(6)) momentarily on which the desired station is stored.

If you cannot tune in a preset station

Press either side of (SEEK/AMS) momentarily to search for the station (automatic tuning).

Scanning stops when a station is received.

EN Press either side of the button repeatedly until the desired station is received.


If the automatic tuning stops too frequently, press (LCL) momentarily to lights up “LCL” on the display (local seek mode). Only the stations with relatively strong signals can be tuned in.


If you know the frequency, press and hold either side of (SEEK/AMS) until the desired station is received (manual tuning).


Other Functions

Adjusting the sound characteristics

1 Select the item you want to adjust by pressing (SEL) repeatedly.

VOL (volume) nBAS (bass) nTRE (treble) nBAL (balance) nFAD (fader)

2 Adjust the selected item by pressing either (+) or (Ð).

Adjust within three seconds after selecting. (After three seconds the button will again serve as the volume control button.)

Muting the sound

Press (MUTE).

The “MUTE” indication flashes.

To restore the previous volume level, press again.

Actual total number:

Sony XR-2753 (E,Pl,Bg,Hu,R) 3-859-732-22(1)

Image 6
Contents Actual total number 859-732-221By Sony Corporation Sony XR-2753 E,Pl,Bg,Hu,RTable of contents WelcomeResetting the unit Listening to a tapeFast-winding the tape Playing a tape in various modes Press Source repeatedly to select the tuner Best Tuning Memory BTMPress Mode repeatedly to select the band Press BTM for two secondsReceiving the memorised stations If you cannot tune in a preset stationAdjust the selected item by pressing either + or Ð Muting the soundBoosting the bass sound D-Bass PrecautionsChanging the sound and beep tone Muting the beep toneRemoving the unit MaintenanceFuse Replacement Cassette careRotary remote labels Location of controls Mode * buttonBL.SKIP Blank Skip button Reset button SEEK/AMS button 3, 4, 5 Source button TAPE/TUNER 3, 5Cassette player section SpecificationsPower amplifier section Tuner sectionTroubleshooting guide Tape playbackRadio reception Index Witamy Spis tre ciSony XR-2753 E,Pl,Bg,Hu,R Uchanie ta my Przygotowania Odtwarzacz ta m T Í p n e KasetowychWyzerowanie Szybkie przewijanie ta myOdtwarzanie ta my w RÛønych trybachPamiÍÊ najlepszego strojenia Tryb Best Tuning Memory BTMRadio Zapobieganie WypadkomKodowanie wy ±cznie wybranych stacji nadawczych Wyciszanie dºwiÍku Pozosta e funkcjeRegulacja Charakterystyk dºwiÍku Wspomaganie dºwiÍkÛw niskich funkcja ä D-BassUwagi dotycz±ce kaset Informacje dodatkowe¶rodki Ostroøno ci Aby utrzymaÊ wysok± jako ÊWymiana bezpiecznika KonserwacjaWyjmowanie sprzÍtu Informacje dodatkoweUmiejscowienie kontrolek CzÍ Ê tunera Dane TechniczneCzÍ Ê odtwarzacza kaset OgÛlneUsuwanie usterek Odtwarzanie ta mOdbiÛr audycji radiowych Indeks V, W, X, Y, ZÑÓ·  ‰Ó¯ÎË ˙‰˙ ʇÌËÂÂ̇ÒÚ ÓÈ͇ ̇ ‡Ô‡‡Ú‡ ‡˜‡ÎÌË ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Ëfl‡ÒÂÚÓÙÓÌ ‡ÒÂÚ‡Ú‡ÎÛÌ͈Ëfl Repeat play ˙ Òâìâ ̇ ÊÂÎ‡Ì Á‡ÔËÒ ÎÛÌ͈Ëfl Intro scanÈÓÒΉӂ‡ÚÂÎÌÓ ‚˙ÁÔ ÓËÁ‚Âʉ‡Ì ËÎË metal‡Ô‡ÏÂÚfl‚‡Ì ҇ÏÓ Ì‡ ÎÛÌ͈Ëfl Best Tuning Memory BTM‡‰ËÓ‡Ô‡‡Ú ‡‰ËÓÒڇ̈ËËÊ„ÛÎË ‡Ì ̇ „Ë ÙÛÌ͈ËËËÂχÌ ̇ ‡„ÎÛ¯‡‚‡Ì ̇ Á‚Û͇·ÛÚÓ̇ SEL Å ÍËÁ‡·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚ‚ÛÍÓ‚Ëfl Ò˄̇Π‰˙Îʇ‚‡ ̇ ÒΉ‚‡˘‡Ú‡ ÒÚ ‡Ìˈ‡‡·ÂÎÂÊÍË Óúìóòìó ͇ÒÂÚËÚ ÈÓ‰‰˙ ʇ̇ ‰‡ ÔÓ‰‰˙ ʇÚ ‚ËÒÓÍÓ Í‡˜ÂÒÚ‚Ó Ì‡ Á‚Û͇ ÈÓ‰Ïfl̇ ̇ ÂÎ. Ô Â‰Ô‡ÁËÚ· ‰‡ Ô Â‰ÓÚ‚ ‡ÚËÚÂ Í ‡Ê·‡ ̇ ‡Ô‡ ‡Ú‡ ‚‡ÎflÌ ̇ ‡Ô‡ ‡Ú‡Öúëíâúë Á‡ ÓÚ‡ˆËÓÌÌÓÚÓ ‰ËÒڇ̈ËÓÌÌÓ ÛÔ ‡‚ÎÂÌË ˙‰ÂÚ ‚ÌËχÚÂÎÌË Ô Ë Ò‚‡ÎflÌ ̇Åûúóìë +Ð ÒË·/ÌËÒÍË/‚ËÒÓÍË Åûúóì ModeÅûúóì Source TAPE/TUNER 3, 5 Åûúóì OFF‡Á‰ÂÎ ÛÒË΂‡ÚÂÎ ÍÂõÌ˘ÂÒÍË õ‡ ‡ÍÚ Ëòúëíë‡Á‰ÂΠ͇ÒÂÚÓÙÓÌ ‡Á‰ÂÎ Ó·˘Ë˙ÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Á‡ Óúòú ‡Ìfl‚‡Ì ̇ Ìâëáô ‡‚ÌÓÒÚË · ˘ ˇ‰ËÓÔ ËÂχÌ À̉ÂÍÒ Í, ìÑ, ó, ò Isten hozta TartalomjegyzÈkKazetta lej·tsz·sa BevezetÈs Kazetta lej·tszÛKÈsz¸lÈk ˙jra·llÌt·sa Szalag gyorstekercselÈseTˆbbfÈlekÈppen KÌv·nt csatorn·k memoriz·l·sa ·diÛ·diÛ·llom·sok automatikus Memoriz·l·sa Legjobb Hangol·s Memoriz·l·sa BTMHangjellemzõk Be·llÌt·sa ·s funkciÛkMemoriz·lt adÛk vÈtele Hang elnÈmÌt·saEgyÈb inform·ciÛ Hang Ès a csipogÛ jelzÈs megv·ltoztat·saVintÈzkedÈsek MegjegyzÈsek a kazett·krÛl Karbantart·sKÈsz¸lÈk kivÈtele BiztosÌtÈkcsereForgÛ t·vvezÈrlõ cÌmkÈje EgyÈb inform·ciÛSzab·lyozÛk elhelyezkedÈse ·sd a megfelelõ oldalakat a rÈszletes leÌr·sÈrt·diÛ egysÈg RÈszletes leÌr·sKazetta lej·tszÛ egysÈg ¡ltal·nosHibajavÌtÛ ˙tmutatÛ Kazetta lej·tsz·s·diÛ hallgat·s Index O, P, QËӉ ʇÌË È ÂÏÓÚ͇ ÎÂÌÚ˚ ‡„ÌËÚÓÙÓÌÈ Â̇ÒÚ ÓÈ͇ ‡ÔÔ‡‡Ú‡ ‚ÓÒÔ ÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌˇÁ΢Ì˚ ‚ÚÓχÚ˘ÂÒÍËÈ ‚‚Ó‰ ‡‰ËÓÒڇ̈ËÈ ‚ Ô‡ÏflÚ¸ ˚·Â ËÚ‰ˇԇÁÓÌ ÔÓÒΉӂ‡ÚÂθÌ˚Ï Ì‡Ê‡ÚËÂÏ Íìóôíë Mode‡‰ËÓÔ Ëâïìëí ‡ÊÏËÚ Íìóôíû Ò ÒÓÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚Û˛˘ËÏÉÚÍβ˜ÂÌË Á‚Û͇ ˜Ë ÙÛÌ͈ËËÎ ˛ ˜ Â Ì Ë Â P„ÛÎË Ó‚Í‡ Ô‡ ‡ÏÂÚ Ó‚ Á‚Û˜‡ÌËflÑÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂθ̇fl ÌÙÓ Ï‡ˆËfl ÉÚÍβ˜ÂÌËÂ Ô Â‰ÛÔ Â‰ËÚÂθÌÓ„Ó Ò˄̇·Íìóôíû SEL, ̇ÊÏËÚ ËÎË Á‡ÏÂÌËڠ ÇÓ ËÁ·ÂʇÌË ÛõÛ‰¯ÂÌËfl ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚‡ Á‚Û͇‡ÒÒÂÚ‡õ ÌõÓ‰ Á‡ ͇ÒÒÂÚ‡ÏËÙÚËÍÂÚÍË ‚ ‡˘‡˛˘Â„ÓÒfl ÌõÓ‰ Á‡ ‡ÔÔ‡ ‡ÚÓÏÀÁ‚ΘÂÌËÂ Ô Ë·Ó ‡ ‡ÏÂ̇ Ô Â‰Óõ ‡ÌËÚÂÎÂÈÒÎÛ˜‡Â, Âòîë ̇ Û¯ËÎÓÒ¸ ‡ÒÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËÂ Ó „‡ÌÓ‚ ÛÔ ‡‚ÎÂÌËfl‡„ÌËÚÓÎÓÈ, Ôóòîâ Á‡ÏÂÌ˚ ‡ÔÔ‡‡ÚÓχ‰ËÓÔ Ëâïìëí FM ÍÂõÌ˘ÂÒÍË ‰‡ÌÌ˚‡„ÌËÚÓÙÓÌ ·˘Ë ‰‡ÌÌ˚ÂÊÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ÔÓ ÛÒÚ ‡ÌÂÌ˲ ÌÂÔÓ·‰ÓÍ · ˘  ‡‰ËÓÔ Ëâïìëí Ô, õ, ù, û, ü Ì, î, ï, ñÁ, à, ä, ã ÑÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂθ̇fl Ëìùó χˆËflActual total number