Making a phone call | 13 |
When number is busy
If the number called is busy or it cannot be reached because of network problems, the following options are available:
Auto redial previous numbers
$XWR'LDO Press. The number is automatically dialled for up to 15 minutes at increasing intervals. During this period, no other phone number can be dialled.
To end:
Press 2II
end key 4.
Any other call ends the function.
3URPSW Press. A beep reminds you to redial the phone number after 15 minutes.
Redial previous numbers
To redial the phone number last called:
"Presstwice. the Call key
To redial other numbers that were dialled previously:
"Press the Call key once.
#Pick out the required phone number from the list of last calls, then press...
"... to dial.
2SWLRQV You can add a phone number to the Addressbook or edit an entry or delete it.