9 Glossary | IL•1F CANopen DS301 |
Power stage The power stage controls the motor. The power stage generates current for controlling the motor on the basis of the positioning signals from the controller.
Heartbeat Used for unconfirmed connection acknowledgement messages from network devices.
HMI Human Machine Interface:
Power amplifier See power stage
Life guarding For monitoring the connection of an NMT master
Mapping Assignment of object dictionary entries to PDOs
Node ID Node address assigned to a device on the network.
NMT Network Management (NMT), part of the CANopen communication pro- file; tasks include initialization of the network and devices, starting, stop- ping and monitoring of devices
Node guarding Monitoring of the connection to the slave at an interface for cyclic data traffic.
Object dictionary List of all parameters, values and functions available in the device. Each entry is uniquely referenced via index (16 bit) and subindex (8 bit).
Parameter Device data and values that can be set by the user.
PDO Process Data Object
Persistent Indicates whether the value of the parameter remains in the memory af- ter the device is switched off.
Quick Stop Function used to enable fast deceleration of the motor via a command or in the event of an error.
R_PDO Receive PDO
SDO Service Data Object
SYNC object Synchronization object
T_PDO Transmit PDO
Warning If the term is used outside the context of safety instructions, a warning alerts to a potential problem that was detected by a monitoring function. A warning is not an error and does not cause a transition of the operating state.
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96 | Fieldbus interface |