7 Diagnostics and troubleshooting | IL•1F CANopen DS301 |
7.2Error diagnostics via fieldbus
7.2.1Message objects
A number of objects provide information on the operating and error state:
•Object Statusword (6041h)
Operating states, see product manual
•Object EMCY (80h+
Error message from a device with fault state and error code, see chapter "Emergency service"
•Object Error register (1001h)
Fault state
•Object Error code (603Fh)
Error code of the most recent error
•Devices use the special SDO error message ABORT to signal errors in exchanging messages by SDO.
7.2.2Messages on the device status
Synchronous and asynchronous errors are distinguished in the evalua- tion and handling of errors.
Synchronous errors The device signals a synchronous error directly as a response to a mes- sage that cannot be evaluated. Possible causes comprise transmission errors or invalid data. For a list of synchronous errors see chapter 7.3.1 "Error register".
Asynchronous errors Asynchronous errors are signaled by the monitoring units in the device as soon as a device fault occurs. An asynchronous error is signal via bit 3, "Fault", of the object statusword (6041h). In the case of errors that cause a an interruption of the movement, the device transmits an EMCY message.
Asynchronous errors are also reported via bits 5..7 of the object driveStat (2041h).
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