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five : Heart Rate Control Workouts
Technical Tips
continue to have intermittent heart rate display problems, consult your local service technician, as the transmitter strap batteries may be low.
Make sure you breath smoothly and regularly.
Talking during your workout usually causes heart rate spikes of five beats per minute or more, so avoid talking as much as possible.
Maintain a smooth walking or running motion.
A grounded outlet is critical for the HRC system to function properly. Use a dedicated 110 VAC, grounded outlet to help prevent interference.
Two users wearing the same kind of transmitter at the same time and in close proximity may cause false heart rate display readings.
Use only the transmitter provided with your True HRC Treadmill or a Polar brand standard transmitter.
True's Heart Rate Control is patented under USPTO #5,462,504.
Heart Rate
If your heart rate exceeds your target by 12 beats, there will be a 30% MET reduction in workload to reduce your heart rate.
If your heart rate exceeds your target by 20 beats, the unit will automatically shut off as a precautionary measure. (Be cautious when selecting your target heart rate so the 20 beat variance will not exceed your maximum heart rate as determined by your physician).
Heart Rate Control Workouts
Z 8 a n d Z 9 S e r i e s Tr e a d m i l l O w n e r ' s G u i d e