5 Monitor your progress with the two displays.
See step 4 on page 14.
6 Measure your heart rate if desired.
See step 5 on page 15.
7 Turn on the fan if desired.
See step 6 on page 15.
When the program is finished, the console
8 will automatically turn off.
See step 7 on page 15.
1 Begin pedaling to activate the console.
See step 1 on page 14.
2 Select one of the two custom programs.
When the power is
turned on, the manual mode will be selected. To select a custom program, press the
Program Select
button repeatedly until a “C 1” or “C 2” appears in the lower display.
Note: If the custom program has not yet been defined, one to three columns of indicators will be lit in the matrix. If more than three columns of indicators are lit, see HOW TO USE CUSTOM PROGRAMS on page 18.
Press the Program Start button or begin
3 pedaling to start the program, and program the desired settings.
Each custom program is divided into
pace can be pro-
grammed for each segment. The resistance setting for the first seg- ment will be shown in the flashing Current Segment column of the
matrix. To program a resistance setting for the first segment, simply adjust the resistance of the pedals by pressing the Resistance buttons. Every few times a Resistance button is pressed, an additional indicator will light or darken in the Current Segment column. To program a target pace for the first segment, simply pedal at the desired pace.
When the first segment of the program is com- pleted, the current resistance setting and your current pace will be saved in memory. The columns of indicators will then move one column to the left, and the resistance setting for the sec- ond segment will be shown in the flashing Current Segment column. Program a resistance setting and a target pace for the second segment as described above. Note: After the third segment is completed, the columns of indicators in the matrix will no longer move to the left. Instead, each time a segment is completed, the flashing Current Segment column will move one column to the right. If the Current Segment column reaches the right side of the matrix, when the current segment is completed all columns of indicators in the matrix will move three columns to the left.
Continue exercising for up to sixty minutes. When you are finished with your workout, the resistance settings and the target pace settings that you have programmed and the number of segments completed will be saved in memory.
When the program is finished, the console
4 will automatically turn off.
See step 7 on page 15.