Stretches can help improve flexibility and relieve the tightness in rnuscles that results from repetitive sport movements that require a limited range of motion, like elliptical striding. When performing these stretches, your movements s!70uld be stow and smooth, with no bouncing or jerking Move into the stretch until you feel a sligl7t tension, not pain, in the muscle and hold the stretc!7 for 20 to 30 seconds Breathe slowly and rhythmically, Be sure not to hold your breath Remember that all stretclTeS must be done for both sides of your body
I. Quadriceps Stretch
Stand close to a walt, chair or other solid object Use one hand to assist your balance, Bend the opposite knee and !ift your' heel towards your buttocks Reaci7 back and grasp the top of your foot with the same side hand, Keeping your inner thig!Ts close togettTer, slowly pul! your foot towards your buttocks until you fee! a gentle stretch in tf7e fl'ont of your thigh, You do not have to touch your buttocks with your heel Stop pulling when you feel the stretct7 Keep your kneecap pointing straight clown and keep your knees close together (Do
not let the lifted knee swing outwards.) Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds,, Repeat for t!Te other leg
2. Calf and Achilles Stretch
Stand approximately one arms lengtt7 away from a wall or chair with your feet