ProForm PFEL59107.0 user manual HOW to USE the Manual Mode

Page 14


1begin pedaling to turn on the console.

A moment after you turn on the console, the dis- play will light.Press the Resistance decrease button or

2Select the manual mode.

Each time you turn on the console, the manual mode will be selected automatically. If you have selected a program, reselect the manual mode by pressing the Programs button repeatedly until the words MANUAL MODE appear in the display.

The center of the dis- play will also show the resistance level of the pedals for a few sec- onds each time the resistance level changes.

The right side of the display—This side of the display will show the distance, in total revolutions, you have

pedaled. Note: When

a program is selected, the right side of the display will also show your pedaling pace in revolutions per minute (rpm).

3the pedals as desired.

As you pedal, change the resistance of the ped- als by pressing the Resistance increase and decrease buttons repeatedly. There are ten resis- tance levels. Note: After you press the buttons, it

will take a moment for the pedals to reach the selected resistance level.Begin pedaling and change the resistance of

4Follow your progress with the display.

The top of the display—When you select the manual mode, the top of the display will show the approximate number of calories you have burned and your pedaling pace in revolutions per minute (rpm).

The left side of the


Measure your heart rate if desired.

display—This side of



the display will show




If there are sheets of


the elapsed time.


Metal Contacts


clear plastic on the

Note: When a pro-



metal contacts on


gram is selected,




the handgrip pulse


except for the heart rate control program, the dis-




sensor, remove the


play will show the time remaining in the program




plastic. To measure


instead of the elapsed time.




your heart rate, hold





The left side of the display will also show your


the handgrip pulse



sensor with your


heart rate when you use the handgrip pulse sen-




palms resting against


sor (see step 5 on this page).




the metal contacts. Avoid moving your hands



Note: When a program is selected, the left side of


or gripping the contacts too tightly.




the display will also show the approximate num-


When your pulse is


ber of calories you have burned.




detected, a heart-





The center of the


shaped symbol will



flash in the left side of


display—When you




the display each time


select the manual




your heart beats, one


mode, the center of




or two dashes will appear, and then your heart

the display will show



rate will be shown. For the most accurate heart

a track that repre-



rate reading, hold the contacts for at least 15 sec-

sents 640 revolutions. As you exercise, indicators



onds. Note: If you continue to hold the handgrip

will appear in succession around the track until



pulse sensor, the display will show your heart

the entire track appears. The track will then disap-



rate for up to 30 seconds.


pear and the indicators will again begin to appear






in succession.





Image 14
Contents Call TOLL-FREE QUESTIONS?Model No. PFEL59107.0 Serial No Table of Contents Important Precautions Rear Before YOU BeginFront Right SideAssembly Page Avoid pinching the Wire Harnesses 64, 65 during this step Avoid pinching Wire Harnesses 64 During this stepRepeat this step for the Right Upper Body Leg Attach the Right Upper Body Arm 23 in the same wayRight Front Upper Body Cover Avoid pinching Wire harnesses during this stepAttach the Right Rear Upper Body Cover Same wayRepeat this step for the right Pedal HOW to Move the Elliptical Exerciser HOW to USE the Elliptical ExerciserHOW to Fold and Unfold the Elliptical Exerciser HOW to Exercise on the Elliptical Exerciser Features of the Console HOW to USE the Manual Mode Select one of the six cross training programs HOW to USE a Cross Training ProgramTurn on the fan if desired Begin pedaling to start the programChase dumbbells or an exercise ball, call Als will automatically adjust to the resistancePerform the first strength exercise when Prompted Toll-free telephone number on the front coverSelect one of the two heart rate programs HOW to USE a Heart Rate ProgramFollow your progress with the display Follow your progress with the display Handgrip Pulse Sensor Troubleshooting Maintenance and TroubleshootingBattery Replacement HOW to Adjust the BeltWorkout Guidelines Exercise GuidelinesExercise Intensity Exercise FrequencySuggested Stretches Page Page Part LIST-Model No. PFEL59107.0 Key No. Qty DescriptionQty Description Drawing A-Model No Drawing Icon Health & FITNESS, INC., 1500 S W., LOGAN, UT HOW to Order Replacement PartsLimited Warranty