Hitachi AJ-S55GZ user manual Safety Check, Washing Machine Repair, 在一般家庭以外使用時

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Safety Check


If any of the following conditions or other abnormalities occur, immediately pull out the power plug to prevent an accident and request help from an authorized dealer or agent.

如出現下列情況或其他異常現象, 請立即拔下電源插頭, 務必向有關的經銷商委托檢查、修理。( 可能根据實 際情況收取費用 )

￿Never conduct repairs by yourself as it may be dangerous.

請勿自行維修, 以免發生危險。

￿If you have used the washing machine for 4 - 5 years,even if the following conditions and other abnormalities do not occur, request for safety inspection of the machine is stilled required.

使用超過 4 ~ 5 年的洗衣机, 即使沒有出現下列情況或其他異常現象, 亦請進行安全檢查。

￿If the power supply cord is damaged, Please repair it in a repair shop appointed by the manufacturer or its service agents in order to avoid a hazard.


￿The washing machine is not to be used by children or persons with reduced physical , sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction.


￿The washing machine having ventilation openings in the base.

The washing machine bottom must not be obstructed by carpeting when the washing machine is installed on a carpet floor.



￿When you turn on the switch, the machine sometimes does not operate.


￿The power cord hascracksorflaws.


￿There are abnormal sounds and vibrations during operation.


￿The agitator does not stop easily. ( It takes over 15 seconds for the agitator to stop )

洗衣槽不易停止。( 停止洗衣槽需要 15 秒鐘以上 )

￿There is water leakage. (Basket,hose, joint,etc. )

漏水。( 洗衣槽、水管、接頭等)

￿There is a smell of burning.


￿If you touch the machine, you may get an electric shock.

用手触摸時, 有電擊的感覺。

In case when the washing machine is used in places other than ordinary households.


￿If the washing machine is in use for extremely long periods of time compared to ordinary household usage, such as in dormitories and hospitals,it may be necessary to change parts(such as the clutch,belt or sealed pad) more frequently.In this case,consult with the dealer from whom you purchased the washing machine and have the machine inspected periodically.

如在宿舍或醫院等地方使用, 而每天的使用時間比一般家庭較長時, 或需在短期內更換零件 (如离合器、皮帶、密封墊等)。請与購 買洗衣机的商店聯絡, 接受定期檢查後再使用。

Washing Machine Repair


In case of malfunction of the washing machine, read the manual in detail before requesting repair services. If the the problem still cannot be solved, contact an authorized service dealer or a service agent and provide the following information.

1Model name: AJ-S55GZ.

2Describe abnormal situations and damages in detail.

3 Your address and telephone number.

若洗衣機在使用期間發生故障, 在請求維修前, 請務必詳閱本說明書。若發生的故障或異常情況未能用本說明書的指示 解決,請與認可的維修服務店聯絡。請向維修服務店提供下列資料:

1 產品型號:AJ-S55GZ




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Contents Model AJ-S55GZ Contents 無需進行加熱的節能乾燥方式。 Preface使洗衣粉滲入到衣料內部,使污垢從布料纖維上脫落。 安全方面的注意事項 Safety Precautions使用之前,請仔細閱讀這部分的內容,以便正確使用。 這裏所說的注意事項根據誤操作而引起的傷害大小以及緊迫程度,分為警告和注意兩種,並且按照以下標識進 行區分說明的危險。兒童尤需注意。 再伸入槽內。 即使旋轉緩慢,手部仍有被衣物纏繞否則可能導致觸電、短路或起火。 若電源線遭受損傷,可能導致觸電或火災。 兒童可能因掉入洗衣‧脫水槽安全方面的注意事項(續) Bottom of the washing when it is motion嚴禁用螺絲刀插入洗衣機機蓋緊鎖裝置部位的孔 安裝指南 Installation Guide安裝指南(續) 排水管插入排水口時 把排水管從右面引出。供水管與機體的連接 Connecting the water supply hose to the main unitExtended the water supply hose 供水管的延長確認接頭A 、 B 之間的間隙。 Confirm the diameter of the water tap. 確認水龍頭直徑。將密封墊均勻地壓在水龍頭上,再將4個螺釘 均等地擰緊。 沿箭咀方向擰緊接頭B,使接頭A、B 之間的間隙在 4mm 以內。水龍頭 Water tapMain unit Washing Machine Repair Safety Check如出現下列情況或其他異常現象, 請立即拔下電源插頭, 務必向有關的經銷商委托檢查、修理。 可能根据實 際情況收取費用 在一般家庭以外使用時控制面板 Control Panel當手動設定為下述狀態之一時,洗衣機都會發出2聲表示接收的聲響以告知您指示基準點: 控制面板(續) Cut off the power supply. 切斷電源。為防止意外傷害及保護兒童的安全,洗衣過程中供水開始後,洗衣機會自動將機蓋鎖緊。 按下 按鈕 旋轉結束,鎖緊解除,可打開機蓋。Technical Description Accessories Refer toInstallation Guide 附件請參照『安裝指南』各部件名稱 開始洗衣前 Before Using Your MachinePreparation for washing machine Preparation for laundry洗衣粉量(大致用量) Amount of detergent Approximately amount衣物的放入方法 盡可能均勻地放入待洗衣洗衣粉、漂白劑、柔軟劑的使用方法 How to Use Liquid Detergent, Bleach and Fabric Softener在洗衣槽有水時動洗衣機,不能進行滲透清洗。請將洗衣粉放入洗衣‧脫水槽內。 Put the detergent in the detergent dispenser柔軟劑的大致用量 Approximate amount of fabric softener洗衣開始前,按照水位表示,將柔軟劑倒入柔軟劑注入口內。 柔軟劑會在最後一次漂洗前自動投入槽內。洗衣量和洗衣粉量 Amount of Laundry and DetergentSynthetic detergent 合成洗衣劑 33g 42mL洗衣程序的選擇方法 Selection of Laundry ProcessNormal Process Put the laundry in and press the Power Switch button標準程序 Unit is set automatically to the Normal processWashing of the Normal process『標準』程序的洗衣過程 When using Liquid Detergent, Bleach and Fabric softenerWashing 第一次沖洗強力程序 Heavy Process放入衣物,按下電源開關按鈕 Press the PROGRAMbutton and select theHEAVYprocessThrough wash Washing of theHEAVYprocess 『強力』程序的洗衣過程仔細的洗滌 化學纖維或聚脂纖維等材料的衣物重量輕,水位可能較低。因此請將大件衣物或厚重衣物先放入洗衣槽內。Speedy Process Cleans Laundry Fast快速程序 Washing of the Speedy process『快速』程序的洗衣過程浸洗程序 Soak ProcessWash with special moving steeped water flow 運用特設的運動浸泡水流進行洗衣Washing of the Soak process 浸洗程序(續)『浸洗』程序的洗衣過程 請勿清洗易褪色的衣物。Silk Process Before using your machine絲絨程序 開始洗衣前絲絨程序(續) 洗衣方法 How to washPlease do not use detergent dispenser Make preparation『絲絨』程序的洗衣過程 Washing of the Silk processAfter washing 洗衣結束後Blanket Process How to put in comforter and blanket被毯程序 開始洗滌前Press thePROGRAMbutton and select theBLANKETprocess 被毯程序(續)按下『程序』按鈕 ,選擇『被毯』程序 洗衣機自動設定為50L,也可根據衣物的多少, 手動設定水位『被毯』程序的洗衣過程 Washing of the Blanket processAfter the end of washing Installation of the washing cap Using the Washing CapAdjustment of the position and height of the washing cap 使用洗衣蓋洗衣蓋的取出方法 Taking out the washing cap按照您喜歡的方式進行洗衣 Wash in Your Favorite Way可以單獨設定洗衣、沖洗、脫水任何一個程序,亦可將各個程序組合運轉。洗衣內容將不會被儲存 除洗衣→沖洗→脫水及洗衣→脫水設定外,設定其他洗衣方式時,最後排水結束後不會為疏鬆衣物而進行理衣攪拌。How to use the Rinse button 沖洗按鈕的使用 How to use the Wash button 洗衣按鈕的使用自動設定的水位 Content of the washing process風脫水 Press the Program button , select the washing mode Using the Preset for WashingPress the Preset button , set the predefined time 預校時間洗衣預校時間洗衣(續) Fix the preset duration press the Preset ButtonClothes not suitable for this mode Cleaning and pre-drying finish at one stepWind Dehydration Process 洗淨及預乾一步完成Second Rinsing Wind dehydration Washing of the Wind Dehydration process第二次沖洗 風脫水 風乾程序 AIR-JET ProcessPreparing for AIR-JET 開始風乾前Air-jet Process 風乾程序(續)風乾方法 Press the AIR-JET button to set the air- jet duration縮短晾曬時間 Shorten Laundry Airing DurationProposed Operation Time 建議使用時間表洗衣槽的保養(筒風乾 筒清洗) Maintenance of Washing Basket Basket AIR-JETBASKET Clean請務必將衣物理順後再放入洗衣槽內。 放入衣物過多或衣物尚末理順時,可能會出現錯誤。洗衣槽的保養(筒風乾 筒清洗)(續) Press the Program button , select the Basket Clean process再次使用洗衣液 Use the Detergent AgainUse Guidelines 使用中的注意事項Maintenance of nanometer titanium filter net Maintenance and Repair維護保養方法 納米鈦淨化網的維護Pay attention to the rust on the washing basket 維護保養方法(續)洗衣粉加入盤的保養拆下時易損壞,操作時請加以注意 棉絮過濾器的保養每次使用後都必須進行有可能結冰時 When icing is possibly underwayMaintenance to the main unit How to maintain the water supply opening供水口的保養 機體的保養About the abnormality alarm When Failure Happens有故障發生時 關於異常警報Before the repair request 有故障發生時(續)要求修理前 Case 現象 It doesnt work after setting of air-jet dryNo spinning, washing basket cant rotate No stirring電源自動關閉功能 Automatic power OFFFollowing cases are not the failures 以下現象並非故障Spinning RinseLevel About LintSwitch PowerDrying Time另售部件 Optional PartsProduct Specifications