This transceiver is a great
You can turn on your transceiver and scan the entire band to hear what is going on; however, do not attempt to transmit until you get your license. If you transmit without a license, you are in violation of federal law. That violation can lead to severe pen- alties. Note that ham operators take the FCC rules very seriously and want nothing to do with “bootleggers” — their term for people who operate without a license.
Find out if there is a ham radio club in your area. Most clubs wel- come newcomers and are glad to help you get your license. There are thousands of clubs across the country, so there is prob- ably one in or near your own community. Often, the staff at your local RadioShack store can help you locate a club.
If you do not hear anyone talking about a local club in your area as you listen to local transmissions, write to the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) at the following address, to find out how to contact a local affiliate. The ARRL is the national organization representing amateur radio in the United States. The league has more than 150,000 members. Most are ham operators, or mem- bers in the process of obtaining their license.
The American Radio Relay League
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111