If your transceiver is not working as it should, these suggestions might help you eliminate the problem. If the transceiver still does not operate properly, take it to your local RadioShack store for as- sistance.
Problem | Possible Causes | Remedies |
Trouble with | The squelch might | Adjust the |
reception. | need to be adjusted. | squelch. |
| The transmitter | Tune the trans- |
| might not be set to | ceiver to an oper- |
| an operating fre- | ating frequency. |
| quency. |
| The microphone | Make sure the |
| might not be con- | microphone is |
| nected. | connected. |
| The antenna might | Make sure the |
| not be connected. | antenna is con- |
| nected. |
| The receive mode | Set the receive |
| might not be properly | mode to FM, AM, |
| set. | LSB, or USB. |
Trouble with | The antenna might | Make sure the |
transmission. | not be connected. | antenna is con- |
| nected. |
| The microphone | Make sure the |
| might not be con- | microphone is |
| nected. | connected. |
| The microphone’s | Press the micro- |
| phone’s button in | |
| might not be fully | fully. |
| pressed in. |