•Be sure that the chassis ground connection is secure.
•Replace old ignition wires with new,
•Install noise suppressors on your spark plugs, or install new spark plugs that have built in noise suppressors.
•If problems persist, check your alternator/generator and reg- ulator gauges. You can reduce the noise from these sources by using bypass capacitors at the various output voltage points.
Your local RadioShack store has a wide selection of noise sup- pression accessories.
If the
Caution: Do not use a fuse with ratings other than those speci- fied here. Doing so might damage your transceiver.
Follow these steps to replace your transceiver’s fuse.
1.Make sure the power source and transceiver are both off.
2.Pull the latches apart on the fuse holder until it opens.
3.If the fuse is blown, replace it. Use only a standard 11/4 ⋅ 1/4 inch