SMDR Record Type (#608)
Call reporting (often referred to as Station Message Detail Recording or SMDR) provides detailed tracking of telephone usage in a printed report. This System Programming procedure allows you to specify whether all calls or outgoing calls only are to be included on call reports.
Related Features
■The date and time that appear on call reports are determined by System Date (#101) and System Time (#103).
■The call report page header prints in the Display Language (#303) specified for extension 10.
■If Account Code Entry (optional or forced) is used to enter an account code for a call (for example, to charge calls to specific departments or projects), the account code prints on the call report. If there are entries in the Forced Account Code List (#409), only valid account codes and any other entered digits up to 16 print on the call report.
■Marked System Speed Dial Numbers appear on the call report as Fnnn, where nnn is the Speed Dial code.
■If you use Automatic System Answer or Direct Extension Dial, you may want to set SMDR Talk Time (#611) to Active to print on call reports the time a user spends on an incoming outside
■You can use SMDR Output Format (#610) to identify whether a maximum of 15 digits or 24 digits is printed for dialed numbers on the call report.
■For instructions on notifying the system that the printer has been aligned to the top of a new page, see SMDR Top Of Page (#609).
■If you use Caller ID, SMDR reports include the telephone numbers of incoming calls.
This feature requires special hardware and/or software. For more information, see “Call Reporting Devices (SMDR)” in Chapter 4.
Valid Entries
1 | = All Calls (outgoing and incoming) ✔ |
2 | = Outgoing Only |
To identify the type of calls to include for call reporting:
1.Press [ Feature ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ System Program ] [ System Program ] [ # ] [ 6 ] [ 0 ] [ 8 ].
2.Press [ Next Data ] until the appropriate value displays.
3.Select another procedure or exit programming mode.