Error code listing

The meaning of “reset enter buttons” in the list is,

after pressing the Reset button, press the Enter button to initialize the unit.


Error code


Description of error










The power must be turned off so

Turn the power off and then on again.


P l e a s e ,


P o w e r O f f .


that the unit can be initialized.














The cleaning mode can not be set

Remove the retransfer film cassette, then press the “reset


P l e a s e R e m o v e


M e d i a C a s s e t t e


because there is a retransfer film in

enter buttons” and set the cleaning mode again.







the unit.











The cleaning mode can not be set

1. Turn off the power and allow about 20 minutes for the heat


H R i s t o o h o t .




because the temperature of the

roller to cool. Then turn the unit on and set the cleaning




heat roller is too high.


mode again.






2. Confirm that the retransfer film cassette has been removed.










Card jam


Remove cards from the hopper.


J a m ( H o p p e r )

See p.44




(hopper section)

Press the “reset enter buttons” and initialize the unit.














Card jam


Remove cards from the turnover section.


J a m ( Tu r n O v e r )

See p.45





Press the “reset enter buttons” and initialize the unit.














Card jam


Press the “reset enter buttons” and initialize the unit.


J a m ( M G )





(encode section)


If no cards are discharged, remove the cards, press the “reset






enter buttons” and initialize the unit.










Card jam


Remove the cards from the retransfer section.


J a m ( T r a n s f e r )


See p.45




(retransfer section)

Press the “reset enter buttons” and initialize the unit.














Card jam


Remove the cards from the paper discharge section.


J a m ( D i s c h a r g e )






(paper discharge section)


Press the “reset enter buttons” and initialize the unit.










The retransfer film


Rejoin the retransfer film.


M e d i a B r o k e n


See p.43




has broken

Press the “reset enter buttons” and initialize the unit.













Retransfer film search error

Reset the retransfer film. Press the “reset enter buttons”.


M e d i a S e a r c h







Call for service if the problem persists.









The retransfer film has run out

Replace the retransfer film.


M e d i a R u n O u t







Press the “reset enter buttons” and initialize the unit.










The ink ribbon


Rejoin the ink ribbon.


I n k B r o k e n


See p.43




has broken

Press the “reset enter buttons”n and initialize the unit.














Ink ribbon search error


Reset the ink ribbon. Press the “reset enter buttons” and


I n k S e a r c h








call for service if the problem persists.










The ink ribbon has run out


Replace the ink ribbon.


I n k R u n O u t








Press the “reset enter buttons” and initialize the unit.












Press the “reset enter buttons” and call for service if the


Tu r n O v e r U n i t


See p.45




mechanism error

problem persists.














Heat roller operation error


Press the “reset enter buttons” and call for service if the


H e a t e r C a m








problem persists.










1. No card


1. Replenish the cards.


N o C a r d






2. The hopper tray is open or has

2. Close the tray correctly.




been removed.






The printer door is open


Close the door.


D o o r O p e n








Press the “reset enter buttons” and initialize the unit.










Cleaning rollers missing


Attach the cleaning rollers.


N o C l e a n i n g R o .








Press the “reset enter buttons” and initialize the unit.










Cassette missing


Attach both the ink ribbon cassette and the retransfer film


N o C a s s e t t e














Press the “reset enter buttons” and initialize the unit.


Page 42
Image 42
Ultra electronic ID Card Printer manual Error code listing, Meaning of reset → enter buttons in the list is