Chapter 5
2.Enter the /usr/stratus/rsn/bin/rsnadmin command to display the RSNADMIN MAIN MENU .
1)list list all database info
2)local_info local_info menu
3)port_info port info menu
4)site_info site info menu
5)notify_list notify_list menu
6)mask mask menu
7)modem_script modem script menu
8)periodic_call periodic call menu
Options: [#, command, ? command (help for command), 0 (parent menu),
/(goto main menu), q (quit rsnadmin)] Command:
At the Command: prompt at the end of the menu, enter the value 2 to select the local_info menu item. For example:
Command: 2
This displays the menu called LOCAL_INFO MENU .
3.At the Command: prompt at the end of LOCAL_INFO MENU , enter the value 4 to select the bridge_system_path menu item. For example:
1)list list all local info
2)protocol set rsn transfer protocol
3)site_id site_id menu
4)bridge_system_path bridge_system_path menu
5)demo_mode demo_mode menu
6)fault_time_limit fault time limit menu
Options: [#, command, ? command (help for command), 0 (parent menu),
/(goto main menu), q (quit rsnadmin)] Command: 4
This displays the menu called BRIDGE SYSTEM PATH MENU .
4.At the Command: prompt at the end of BRIDGE SYSTEM PATH MENU , enter the value 2 to select