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This message appears when in VIEW/EDIT SITE DATA the user has tried to enter a pipe lining material before entering a thickness.
The PORTAFLOW 216 is a Transit Time ultrasonic flow meter. It has been designed to work with Clamp On transducers, thus enabling flowing liquid within a closed pipe to be measured accurately without the need for any mechanical parts to be inserted either through the pipe wall or protrude into the flow system.
The meter is controlled by a
The system operates as follows:
Figure 6 :- Reflex mode
Figure 7:- Diagonal mode
When ultrasound is transmitted from Transducer ‘A’ to Transducer ‘B’ (REFLEX
Having measured the flow velocity and knowing the pipe
To measure flow, it is first necessary to obtain detailed information about each application, which is then programmed into the processor via the Key Pad. This information must be accurate otherwise flow measurement errors will occur.
Further, having calculated the precise position at which the transducers must be clamped onto the pipe wall, it is equally important to align and separate the transducers accurately with respect to one another, as failing to do so will again cause errors in measurement.
Finally, to ensure accurate flow measurement it is imperative that the liquid is flowing uniformly within the pipe and that the flow profile has not been distorted by any upstream or downstream obstructions.
To obtain the best results from the Portaflow 216 it is absolutely necessary that the following rules for positioning the transducers and that the condition of the liquid and the pipe wall are suitable to allow transmission of the sound along its predetermined path.