Controls & Connections
See Chapter 4 to learn about Home Page functions for these knobs. Footswitches – these allow you to do the following:
Tone 2 / Hold for Dual – press to toggle between Tone 1 and Tone 2 (you’re editing Tone 2 when the footswitch is lit). Press and hold to turn Dual Tone on or off. See Chapter 4 for more details.
Stomp, Mod, Delay – turns the Stomp, Mod, and Delay processing blocks on or off (the blocks are on when the footswitches are lit).
Comp/Boost – turns the Compressor processing block on or off.
Bank Up, Down – these choose amongst POD X3 Live’s 32 banks of User presets. Once you’ve footswitched your way to a new bank, you’ll then also need to step on the A, B, C or D footswitch to actually load a preset from that bank. (We set things up this way so your audience won’t hear you switching through presets as you make your way to your next bank of sounds.)
A, B, C, D – the lights on these footswitches show you which of the Presets in the current User Bank is running. You can step on any of them to choose a different preset.