master section ¡
master section: monitoring and control
monitor section
The dedicated Monitor Section allows the user to listen to and view the various sig- nals operating within the Console.
This section consists of the monitor select circuitry and dual LED meters, the Solo |
system, and headphones. | 103 |
103monitor metering
Two LED meters, L and R, are provided to display the level of the Monitor source. These meters are calibrated to properly display the internal levels within the console. The 0VU point is the nominal operating level of whatever signal is being monitored. If more than one source is selected, the meters will display the level of those mixed sources. If the solo circuitry has been activated, the solo LED will light and the meters will display the level of the solo signal.
104solo off
Normally, the Monitor system will be interrupted by the Solo system. If a Solo but- ton is pressed (PFL or AFL), the Solo LED between the meters is illuminated and the Solo signal is displayed on the LED meters.The Solo audio takes the place of the selected Monitor sources for both the Monitor outputs and the headphones.
If the Solo Off button is depressed, the meters and headphones will still switch over, however the Monitor Outputs WILL NOT be interrupted by the Solo.This allows the Monitor Output jacks to be used as an additional output for any of the 7 avail- able sources or their mixture. Since the sources feeding the Monitor section are
105source select switches
The operator can choose which signals to listen to and view by using the Source Select switches. These switches select the
Stereo Return, Mono bus,
The Monitor System circuitry is stereo, and these are all stereo sources except for the Mono bus. These 7 signals can be combined by selecting more than one source. All sources that are selected will be equally mixed together.This combined signal is then displayed on the Monitor LED meters and fed to the Monitor Level pot and to the headphone system.
106sum to mono
A Sum to Mono switch is provided which mixes the L and R monitor
This control feeds the Monitor Output jacks (1/4” TRS) on the rear panel. It does NOT affect the level of the headphone feed or the LED meters.
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