2. MIDI messages transmitted from MIDI OUT
*If MIDI Thru is ON, MIDI messages received at MIDI IN are
*If MIDI Thru is ON, messages from the
■Channel voice messages
●Control Change
*The messages assigned in MIDI Setup will be transmitted when you operate the panel. The control changes that can be used are
❍Bank Select (controller numbers 0, 32)
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 00H | mmH |
BnH | 20H | llH |
mm, ll= bank number:
*When you select channel A or channel B inputs, make memory settings, or specify how
*The following controls correspond to each Bank Select message.
Bank Select | Program No. | Control |
50H/00H00H - 07HMEMORY
00H/00H00H - 03HA ch, INPUT
01H/00H00H - 03HB ch, INPUT
❍Modulation (controller number 1)
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 01H | vvH |
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 02H | vvH |
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 04H | vvH |
❍Portamento Time (controller number 5)
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 05H | vvH |
❍Volume (controller number 7)
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 07H | vvH |
❍Balance (controller number 8)
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 08H | vvH |
❍Panpot (controller number 10)
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 0AH | vvH |
❍Expression (controller number 11)
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 0BH | vvH |
MIDI implementation
❍Effect Control 1 (controller number 12)
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 0CH | vvH |
❍Effect Control 2 (controller number 13)
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 0DH | vvH |
❍General Purpose Controllers
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 10H - 13H | vvH |
❍Hold 1 (controller number 64)
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 40H | xxH |
❍Portamento (controller number 65)
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 41H | xxH |
❍Sostenuto (controller number 66)
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 42H | xxH |
❍Soft (controller number 67)
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 43H | xxH |
❍Legato (controller number 68)
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 44H | xxH |
❍Hold 2 (controller number 69)
Status | 2nd byte | 3rd byte |
BnH | 45H | xxH |
❍Sound Controllers
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 46 - 4FH | vvH |
❍General Purpose Controllers
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 50 - 53FH | vvH |
❍Portamento Control (controller number 84)
Status | 2nd byte | 3rd byte |
BnH | 54H | vvH |
❍Effect Depth
Status2nd byte3rd byte
BnH | 5C - 5FH | vvH |