MIDI implementation
●Program Change
Status2nd byte
pp= program number:00H - 7FH (prog.1 - prog.128)
*When you select channel A or channel B inputs, make memory settings, or specify how
●Channel Pressure
Status2nd byte
*Just as for Control Changes, the messages assigned in MIDI Setup will be transmitted when you operate the panel. For the factory settings, refer to “Settings Transmitted/ Received Using MIDI” (p. 95).
●Pitch Bend Change
Status2nd byte3rd byte
EnH | llH | mmH |
mm, ll= pitch bend value:00 00H - 40 00H - 7F 7FH
*Just as for Control Changes, the messages assigned in MIDI Setup will be transmitted when you operate the panel. For the factory settings, refer to “Settings Transmitted/ Received Using MIDI” (p. 95).