Change history
This section summarizes the important changes that affect this publication. They are arranged under the heading of the appropriate Batch Change Supplement (BCS) release.
The presentation of this publication has been changed.
The following changes to the TOPS VSN application were made by BCS30:
introduction of log messages for the locality database
introduction of log messages for the prompt manager
addition of an abbreviations list
introduction of log messages for the support of locality call processing
This Document has been reissued as part of the BCS31 release.
This document has been revised to include several new alarms in the 8722 subsystem and to include a list of suppressed and thresholded logs.
VSN03 - Version 02.01
This document has been revised to include several new alarm and log messages.
VSN04 - Version 03.01
This document has been revised to include a new log message.