3.Common TOPS VSN log messages - 0200
0001/0000 Message: [PRU_name] has encountered a bus error. This is an unrecoverable error and the SRU where this PRU resides should be rebooted.
Description: The software task failed because of a hardware error. If the PRU declares itself faulty then the log subsystem detects the faulty condition and raises an alarm.
Action: Reboot the SRU. If the error occurs more than once a week replace the SRU. Record all action taken.
0001/0001 Message: [PRU_name] has encountered a divided by zero run error. This is an unrecoverable error and the PRU should be rebooted.
Description: The software task failed because it encountered a divide by zero operation. The PRU may declare itself faulty or recreate the task.
Action: If the PRU is in the working state, no action is required. If the PRU is in the faulty state, document the problem, restart the PRU, and then contact NT.
0001/0002 Message: [PRU_name] has encountered a dereferencing of an odd address run error. This is an unrecoverable error and the PRU should be rebooted.
Description: The software task failed due to a software error. The PRU may declare itself faulty or recreate the task. If the PRU declares itself faulty then the log subsystem detects the faulty condition and raises an alarm.
Action: If the PRU is in the working state, no action is required. If the PRU is in a faulty state, document the problem, restart the PRU, and then contact NT.
0001/0003 Message: [PRU_name] has encountered an illegal user instruction run error. This is an unrecoverable error and the PRU should be rebooted.
Description: The software task failed due to a software error. The PRU may declare itself faulty or recreate the task. If the PRU declares itself faulty then the log subsystem detects the faulty condition and raises an alarm.
Action: If the PRU is in the working state, no action is required. If the PRU is in the faulty state, document the problem, restart the PRU, and then contact NT.
0001/0004 Message: [PRU_name] has encountered a value range error. This is an
unrecoverable error and the PRU should be rebooted.