58 Control Link Log Messages (9441)
0000/0003 Message: A Datalink message was discarded. Destination = [DMS_or_VSN]. Reason = [reason].
Message Type = [message_type].
Description: This log is generated when the X.25 Datalink software encounters a problem sending a message. The reason is one of the following:
1)Message type received from application is not supported, 2) Message type received on link is not supported, 3) problem relaying message to X.25 (outgoing message could not be sent to X.25 for transmission), 4) too many messages for Datalink PRU to manage (PRU has received more messages than it can send out), 5) problem relaying message to VSN application (message received by AABS could not be relayed to VSN), 6) attempt to send message to a DMS that is not supported, 7) attempt to send message with invalid callID.
Action: If both data links have failed, then reboot the PRUs involved. If the problem is not failed data links, contact NT for support.
0000/0004 Message: Datalink PRU received a message from an unknown link. Software location = [message_received_by].
4Description: This log indicates a serious internal problem. The location given may be either 1) xmtHandler (Datalink's transmit handler), or 2) nData Reply (Datalink's X.25 data acknowledgement entry).
Action: Contact NT immediately.
0000/0005 Message: Data Link PRU encountered an event while in an incorrect internal state.
Event = @ & 27* current state = @ & 27*
Description: This log indicates that a Datalink PRU encountered an event that should not have happened while in its current internal state. This may indicate an internal problem.
Run Time Parameters (RTP)
First RTP is a string indicating what the new event is.
Second RTP is a string indicating what the current state is.
Action: If the problem persists, retain all of the information regarding the problem and contact your NT representative.
0000/0006 Message: Datalink PRU's outgoing message queue reached a module 10 length. Number of messages in queue = [num_message].
4Description: The Datalink PRU maintains a queue of messages that are outbound, that is destined for the DMS. When this queue grow large, some delays may occur in user interaction. This log indicates how large this queue has grown when it reaches a size which is a multiple of 10.
Action: No action required. This message is for informational purposes only.
0000/0007 Message: An outgoing message was in the Data Link PRU's queue for an abnormally long time. Time in milliseconds = [time].
4Description: The Datalink PRU maintains a queue of messages that are outbound, that is destined for the DMS. When this queue grow large, some delays may occur in user interaction. This log indicates how long a message has been in the queue before it was transmitted if the time is greater than 3 seconds.
Action: No action required. This message is for informational purposes only.