20. Abbreviations
A list of abbreviations used in this Publication follows:
ACPE | Application call processing engine |
CLLI | Common language location indicator |
DD | Data dictionary |
DMS | Digital multiplex system |
DNC | Dynamic network control |
DTMF | Dual tone multifrequency |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers |
IO | Input output |
LDB | Locality database |
MMI | Man machine interface |
NT | Northern Telecom |
OM | Operational measurement |
PCM | Pulse code modulation |
PRU | Program resource unit |
RM | Resource manager |
SAS | System administration service |
SDM | Service data manager |
SRU | Shared resource unit |
TOPS | Traffic operator position system |
VI | Voice interface |
VIRM | VI resource manager |
VNM | Voice network manager |
VSN | Voice service node |
VTP | Virtual transport protocol |