Citizen CH-608 instruction manual Indice, Avvertenze

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9- Avvertenze

24- Tipo e frequenza della manutenzione: Proteggere l’ambiente naturale:


27- Riferimento agli standard Europei: Rappresentante per l’Europa:

29- Nome e Funzione di ciascuna parte

31- Spiegazioni sullo schermo

33- Indicatore della classificazione dell’ipertensione

35- Indicatore IHB (Irregular Heart Beat: battito cardiaco irregolare) 37- Utilizoo della manichetta

39- Posizione corretta per la misurazione

42- Come inserire le batterie

44- Come rimuovere le batterie

46- Regolazione dell’ora

48- Procedura di misurazione

50- Richiamo dei valori dalla memoria

52- Azzeramento valori dalla memoria

54- Trasferimento dei dati sul PC (optional)

59- La “pressione arteriosa”

65- Prima di contattare l’assistenza

71- Domande e risposte sulla pressione arteriosa

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Image 6
Contents REF CH-608 GB Contents Contenidos PrecaucionesÍndice Notas de avisoSímbolo Reee Inhalt Indice AvvertenzeСодержание GB Cautionary Notes PrecaucionesNotas de aviso Wichtige Hinweise AvvertenzeПримечания по мерам предосторожности Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Advertencia Atenção WarnungAttenzione ПредупреждениеNaturaleza y frecuencia del mantenimiento Nature and frequency of maintenanceProtect the nature environment Protección del medioambienteWEEE-Kennzeichnung Art und Häufigkeit einer WartungSchützen Sie die Umwelt Tipo e frequenza della manutenzioneEstándar Europeo de Referencia CalibrationNorma Europeia de Referência Europäische NormenRiferimento agli standard Europei CalibraturaCada parte Name/Funktion der Name/Function of Each Nome / função de cada Part ComponenteNombre/Función de EinzelteileNome e Funzione di ciascuna parte Название/Функция каждой частиGB Display Explanations Explicación de la pantallaSpiegazioni sullo schermo Descrição do visorErklärungen des Displays Пояснение к дисплеюIndicador de Classificação da Hipertensão GB Hypertension Classification IndicatorEl indicador de clasificación de la hypertension Stage 2 HypertensionIndicatore della classificazione dell’ipertensione Hypertonie Klassifikation IndikatorИндикатор классификации гипертонии GB Irregular Heartbeat IHB Indicator Indicador de latidos irregulares del corazón IHBIndicador de arritmia cardíaca IHB Irregular Heartbeat Indikator für unregelmäßigen Herzschlag IHB Индикатором нерегулярного сердцебиения IHBColocar a bracadeira GB Applying the cuffAplicación del brazalete Anbringen der ManschetteUtilizoo della manichetta Накладывание манжетыPostura correta para medição GB Correct Measuring PosturePostura de Medición Correcta Ordnungsgemäße MesshaltungPosizione corretta per la misurazione Правильное положение для измеренияGB Loading the Batteries Open the cover of battery compartmentClose the battery compartment cover Place batteries in the compartmentCómo Instalar LAS Pilas Colocar AS PilhasEinsetzen DER Batterien Come Inserire LE Batterie Установка БатареекGB Removing the Batteries Como Reemplazar LAS PilasRetirar AS Pilhas Entnehmen DER Batterien Come Rimuovere LE BatterieИзвлечение Батареек GB Time Adjustment Ajuste de la horaAjuste da hora Zeiteinstellung Regolazione dell’oraНастройка времени Procedimiento de medición Procedimentos de mediçãoMessvorgänge Procedura di misurazioneПроцедуры измерения Como chamar valores da memória GB Recall Values from MemoryRestablecer valores de la memoria Werte aus dem Speicher abrufenRichiamo dei valori dalla memoria Вызов данных из памятиGB Clear Values from Memory Borrar valores de la memoriaComo apagar valores da memória Werte im Speicher löschen Azzeramento valori dalla memoriaУдаление значений из памяти USB Page What is blood pressure? GB about Blood PressureYour blood pressure changes all the time Acerca DE LA Presión Sanguínea ¿Qué es la presión sanguínea?La presión arterial varía a toda hora Sobre a Tensão Arterial Que é a tensão arterial?Tensão arterial está sempre a mudar Wichtige Informationen Über DEN Blutdruck Was ist Blutdruck?Der Blutdruck ändert sich ständig LA Pressione Arteriosa Che cosa è la pressione arteriosa?La pressione del sangue varia continuamente Артериальное Давление Что такое артериальное давление?GB Before requesting Repairs or Testing Problem Checks ResponseProblema Comprobaciones Respuesta Antes DE Solicitar Reparaciones O PruebasAntes DE Solicitar Reparações OU Inspecção Anomalia Verificações Acção correctivaProblem Prüfpunkte Maßnahme Bevor SIE DAS Gerät Reparieren Oder Überprüfen LassenProblema Controlli Risposta Prima DI Contattare L’ASSISTENZAПрежде ЧЕМ Образаться ЗА Ремонтом ИЛИ Проверкой Проблема Проверьте РешениеGB Blood Pressure Q&A Preguntas Y Respuestas Sobre LA Presión Sanguínea Perguntas E Respostas Sobre a Tensão Arterial Fragen UND Antworten ZUM Blutdruck Domande E Risposte Sulla Pressione Arteriosa Вопросы И Ответы Относительно Артериального Давления Display Icons GB Specifications User

CH-608, CH-608 specifications

The Citizen Systems CH-608 is an advanced thermal printer designed to meet the needs of high-volume printing environments. Known for its reliability and versatility, the CH-608 is extensively used in various sectors such as retail, hospitality, and logistics. This printer integrates cutting-edge technology and user-friendly features, making it a preferred choice for businesses aiming for efficiency and quality in printing.

One of the main features of the CH-608 is its impressive printing speed, which can reach up to 300 mm per second. This rapid performance significantly enhances productivity, especially in busy settings where printing efficiency is crucial. The printer supports versatile media types, accommodating standard receipts, labels, tags, and various roll sizes, further establishing it as a flexible solution for diverse printing needs.

The CH-608 utilizes high-resolution thermal printing technology, ensuring crisp and clear print quality. This not only improves the readability of printed materials but also enhances customer satisfaction by providing clear receipts and labels. The unit is designed to handle heavy workloads, with a duty cycle that ensures durability and longevity, making it ideal for environments that demand consistent performance over extended periods.

In terms of connectivity, the CH-608 offers multiple interfaces, including USB, Ethernet, and Serial options, enabling seamless integration with various devices and systems. This multi-connectivity feature ensures that businesses can easily set up the printer within their existing infrastructure, optimizing the overall workflow.

Moreover, the CH-608 incorporates energy-efficient technologies, reducing power consumption without compromising performance. This eco-friendly design makes it a suitable choice for businesses that are looking to minimize their environmental impact while maintaining high operational standards.

The printer's sleek design and compact size allow for easy placement in any workspace, making it a practical choice for both small businesses and large enterprises. The intuitive user interface simplifies operation, while the low maintenance requirements contribute to reduced downtime, further ensuring that printing operations run smoothly.

In conclusion, the Citizen Systems CH-608 combines speed, versatility, and reliability into a state-of-the-art thermal printing solution. With its advanced features and robust design, it meets the demands of modern printing environments, making it an invaluable asset for businesses across various industries.