Recoton/Advent EC Series Calibration, Troubleshooting, EN-12, Symptom Possible Causes Remedy

Page 16


EC Series





For best results, calibrate the scale at regular intervals. Temperature changes, geographic gravity variations, altitude changes and abuse are few reasons why a scale may need recalibration.

When the scale is ideally positioned for operation, enter calibration and proceed as









Long-press Zero to initiate calibra-











Piece Weight g/pc




tion (do not release key-press until















“CAL” is displayed).












The required calibration weight is

Actual calibration


Required calibration




displayed (ex. 3000g for a 3kg








model). At this time, a different








calibration weight value can be








entered via the numeric keypad.








Place the corresponding calibration







weight on the pan. The display





flashes until the actual weight is reg-







istered and the calibration process







ends (the scale momentarily beeps




before exiting to normal weighing








NOTE: Press Zero at any time to abort during the calibration process.





The following table lists common problems, possible causes and remedies. If the problem persists, contact Ohaus or your authorized Ohaus dealer.


Possible Causes


Scale will not turn on.

AC power not connected.

Connect scale to power.


Battery discharged.

Connect scale to power and



charge battery.

Battery fails to charge fully.

Battery is defective or past its

Have the battery replaced by an


useful life.

authorized Ohaus service dealer.




Weight reading does

Unstable environment.

Ensure a stable environment.

not stabilize.

Interference under pan.

Ensure that the weighing pan is



unobstructed and free to move.




Scale does not display

Improper calibration.

Calibrate the scale using proper



calibration weights.




E1, E2, E3 displayed

The pan is placed incorrectly.

Reposition the pan correctly.


Zero limit exceeded during

Ensure the pan is empty before


power up.

switching the scale on.




--OL-- displayed

Load exceeds scale capacity.

Reduce the load on the pan.




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8/9/2005, 1:41 PM

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Contents Serie EC Manual de instrucciones Guide de l’utilisateur Compatibilità elettromagnetica Date October 1 ISO 9001 Registration EC CE PAGES.pmd EC Series EN-1 General Features Safety PrecautionsIntroduction Product DescriptionInstalling Components Selecting the LocationLeveling the Scale EC Series EN-3Initial Calibration Connecting PowerEN-4 Display Symbols Weight Piece WeightOverview of Controls and Functions CountControls and Functions EN-6Switching the Unit On and Off OperationsManual Tare Pre-set TareSampling, Calculating Average Piece Weight APW Entering a Known Piece WeightZero Operation EN-8Storing Piece Weight into Memory Recalling Piece Weight from MemoryAccumulation Weight and Quantity EC Series EN-9Scale Settings Auto-OffFiltering Zero Display RangeZero Return Range BacklightUnit Selection APW Re-computingTroubleshooting Symptom Possible Causes RemedyCalibration EN-12Technical Data ModelEC6 EC15Limited Warranty EN-14Serie EC ES-1 Introducción Descripción del productoCaracterísticas generales Medidas de seguridadInstalación de los componentes Selección de la ubicaciónNivelación de la báscula Serie EC ES-3Calibración inicial ES-4Serie ECNotas PrecauciónSímbolos visualizados Visita General DE LOS Controles Y FuncionesSerie EC ES-5 Controles y funciones ES-6Operaciones Encendido y apagado de la unidadTara manual Tara preestablecidaOperación del cero Muestreo, cálculo del peso promedio de la pieza APWIngreso del peso conocido de una pieza ES-8Almacenamiento en memoria del peso de la pieza Búsqueda en la memoria del peso de la piezaAcumulación Peso y cantidad Serie EC ES-9Opciones DE Configuración DE LA Báscula Rango de captura a ceroRango de visualización de cero FiltradoRango de retorno a cero Luz de fondoSelección de unidades Re-cálculo del APWSolución DE Problemas CalibraciónES-12 Síntoma Causas posibles SoluciónDatos Técnicos Serie EC ES-13Modelo EC3 EC6Garantía Limitada ES-14FR-1 Description du produit Caractéristiques généralesConsignes de sécurité FR-2 Série ECInstallation des composants Sélection de lemplacementMise à niveau de la balance Série EC FR-3Branchement Étalonnage initialFR-4 Série EC Rouge La batterie est presque déchargéePrésentation DES Commandes ET DES Fonctions Symboles à l’écranSérie EC FR-5 En cours de chargementCommandes et fonctions FR-6 Série ECFonctionnement Activation et désactivation de l’unitéTare manuelle Tare prédéfinieOpération zéro Échantillonnage, calcul du poids moyen des pièces APWSaisie du poids connu d’une pièce FR-8Série ECEnregistrement du poids d’une pièce en mémoire Rappel du poids d’une pièce en mémoireAccumulation Poids et quantité Série ECFR-9Paramètres DE LA Balance Auto-désactivationPlage du suivi auto-zéro Plage d’affichage de zéroPlage de retour de zéro RétroéclairageSélection de l’unité Recalcul d’APWSymptôme Causes possibles Solution ÉtalonnageDépannage FR-12 Série ECDonnées Techniques Série EC FR-13Modèle EC3Garantie Limitée FR-14 Série ECDE-1 Einleitung ProduktbeschreibungAllgemeine Leistungsmerkmale SicherheitsvorkehrungenKomponenten installieren Standort auswählenWaage nivellieren EC-Serie DE-3Stromversorgung anschließen Anfängliche KalibrierungDE-4 HinweiseAnzeigesymbole WeightÜberblick Über Bedienelemente UND Funktionen STBBedienelemente und Funktionen DE-6Betrieb Waage ein- und ausschaltenManuelle Tara Voreinstellungs-TaraNullbetrieb Probenwiegen, durchschnittliches Stückgewicht APW berechnenEin bekanntes Stückgewicht eingeben DE-8EC-SerieStückgewicht abspeichern Stückgewicht aus dem Speicher abrufenAkkumulation Gewichte und Menge EC-SerieDE-9Waageneinstellungen Automatisches AusschaltenNullverfolgungsbereich FilterungHintergrundbeleuchtung Auswahl von EinheitenAPW-Neuberechnung NullrückkehrbereichSymptom Mögliche Ursachen Abhilfemaßnahme KalibrierungFehlersuche DE-12EC-SerieEC-Serie DE-13 ModellBeschränkte Garantie DE-14IT-1 Descrizione del prodotto Caratteristiche generaliPrecauzioni di sicurezza IT-2Installazione dei componenti Scelta dellubicazioneMessa a livello della bilancia Serie EC IT-3Collegamento dellalimentazione elettrica Taratura inizialeIT-4 Rosso La batteria è quasi scaricaSimboli del display Panoramica DEI Comandi E Delle FunzioniSerie EC IT-5 Comandi e funzioni IT-6Operazioni Accensione e spegnimento delle unitàTara manuale Tara predefinitaFunzionamento dello zero Immissione di un Peso per pezzo notoIT-8Serie EC Sample CampioneMemorizzazione del Peso per pezzo Richiamo del Peso per pezzo dalla memoriaAccumulazione Peso e quantità Serie ECIT-9Impostazioni Della Bilancia Auto-Off Spegnimento automaticoZero Tracking Range Intervallo di controllo dello zero Zero Display Range Intervallo di visualizzazione dello zeroZero Return Range Intervallo di ritorno dello zero Backlight RetroilluminazioneAPW Re-computing Ricalcolo di APW Unit Selection Selezione delle unitàTaratura Individuazione GuastiIT-12Serie EC Taratura la bilancia emette un breveDati Tecnici ModelloGaranzia Limitata IT-14EC-back cover.pmd 80251009