Accessory Information | 42 |
Adding Phone Book Entries | 29 |
Answering a Call | 21 |
Answering an Intercom Call | 25 |
Area Code (only applicable for base)15 Auto Answer (only applicable for hand-
set) | 15 |
Auto Answer Intercom (applicable for
base and handset) | 15 |
Auto Standby | 26 |
Backlight (Only applicable for base)18
Base 21 |
Base Layout | 9 |
Base Station | 11 |
Battery | 37 |
Battery Safety Precautions | 34 |
Call Waiting Caller ID | 28 |
Caller ID (CID) | 26 |
Caller ID Solutions | 37 |
Causes of Poor Reception | 38 |
Changing the Battery | 34 |
Conference Calls | 24 |
Contrast | 18 |
Copying a Phone Book Record | 30 |
Cordless Handset | 21 |
Date/Time | 14 |
Deleting a CID Record | 27 |
Deleting a Phone Book Record | 31 |
Deleting All Call Records | 27 |
Dial a phone book record while in Talk
mode: | 31 |
Dial a phone book record while review-
ing it: | 31 |
Dial Mode (only applicable for base)15
Dialing a Phone Book Record | 31 |
Dialing Back | 27 |
Digital Security System | 7 |
Display Messages | 35 |
Display Setting | 18 |
Do Not Disturb | 22 |
Editing a Phone Book Record | 30 |
FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement 3
Flash 22
2 + 2 extension): | 25 |
G |
General Product Care | 38 |
H |
Handset Layout | 8 |
Handset Name (only applicable for | |
handset) | 17 |
Handset Sound Signals | 35 |
Hearing Aid Compatibility | 3 |
Hold 24 |
If You Did Not Program Your Local Area
Code | 28 |
If You Programmed Your Local Area | |
Code | 27 |
Important Information | 2 |
Important Installation Guidelines | 7 |
Information for DECT Product | 3 |
Inserting a Pause in the Dialing Se- | |
quence | 22 |
Installation | 7 |
Installing the Handset Battery | 10 |
Installing the Phone | 10 |
Intercom Calls | 25 |
Interference Information | 2 |
Introduction | 6 |
Join a call in progress: | 24 |
K |
Key Tone | 19 |
L |
Licensing | 3 |