Answering system operation
Answering system and voicemail
Your telephone has separate indicators for two different types of voice messages: those left on its
•If XX new messages displays on the handsets and the message window on the telephone base flashes, there are new messages recorded on the /PLAY on the telephone base (page 51).
•If New voicemail and display on the handsets, your telephone service provider is indicating that it has new voicemail for you. To listen to your voicemail, press and hold
1 on your handset. See Voicemail number on page 16 to set your voicemail number.
XX new messages
10:15PM 12/25
New voicemail
10:15PM 12/25
Some service providers bundle or combine multiple services like voicemail and call waiting, so you may not be aware that you have voicemail. To check what services you have and how to access them, contact your telephone service provider.
To use your voicemail service rather than your answering system, turn off your answering system. To use your answering system rather than your voicemail service, contact your telephone service provider to deactivate your voicemail service.
Using the answering system and voicemail together
You can also use your telephone answering system and voicemail together by setting your
voicemail message.
Set your answering system to answer calls at least two rings earlier than your voicemail is set to answer. For example, if your voicemail answers after six rings, set your answering system to answer after four rings. Some voicemail providers may program the delay before answering calls in seconds instead of rings. In this case, allow six seconds per ring when determining the appropriate setting.