About This Guide | 9 |
Overview | 9 |
Intended Audience | 9 |
Issue Date | 9 |
What’s New in This Document | 10 |
How to Use This Document | 10 |
Document Organization | 11 |
Conventions Used | 11 |
Symbolic Conventions | 12 |
Typographic Conventions | 12 |
Related Documentation | 12 |
Chapter 1: Introducing Your 4620/4620SW/4621SW IP Telephone . . . . | 13 |
Introduction | 13 |
The 4620/4620SW/4621SW IP Telephone | 14 |
About the Feature Key Expansion Unit (EU24/EU24BL) | 18 |
Navigating Application Screens | 18 |
4620/4620SW/4621SW IP Telephone Applications | 20 |
Phone Application | 20 |
Speed Dial Application | 20 |
Call Log Application | 21 |
Web Access Application (Optional) | 21 |
4620/4620SW/4621SW Telephone Options | 21 |
Additional 4620/4620SW/4621SW Functionality | 22 |
Push Feature | 22 |
Automatic Backup/Retrieval Feature | 22 |
Chapter 2: Using Your 4620/4620SW/4621SW IP Telephone | 23 |
Introduction | 23 |
Call Appearances | 23 |
Making Calls | 23 |
Manual Dialing | 24 |
Automatic Dialing | 24 |
Redialing a party | 25 |
Dialing a party using a Speed Dial button | 26 |
Automatically dialing a party using an administered Line/Feature button | 26 |
Calling a party from the Call Log | 27 |
Calling a party from the Web Access application | 28 |
Issue 2.2 April 2005 5