Appendix B: Sample Configuration Files
#Generic SIP Sample ConÞguration File
#Date: December 16th, 04
#File: Sample “<mac>.cfg” Þle
#This Þle contains sample conÞgurations for the “<mac>.cfg”
#Þle. Please rename this Þle with the MAC address (with the
#dashes removed) of the speciÞc 480i device that you want to
#conÞgure, for example “00085d03059f.cfg”.
#Settings that have already appeared in “aastra.cfg” will be
#overridden by those in this Þle.
#Parameters can be set in either the “<mac>.cfg” Þle or the
#“aastra.cfg” Þle, with the exception of assigning a static
#IP address to a phone which can only be set in the “<mac>.cfg”
#Þle. For more details on sample settings see the sample
#“aastra.cfg” Þle.
#DHCP Setting
#Notes: To set a static IP address, you must Þrst disable DHCP. If
#DHCP is disabled, you will also need to manually conÞgure Subnet
#Mask, Gateway, DNS, and TFTP Server settings.
#0 = false, means DHCP is disabled.
#1 = true, means DHCP is enabled.
#dhcp: 0 | # DHCP disabled. |
Continued... |
31Model 480i SIP Admin Guide