Setting Parameters – Time Server Settings
Parameter – | ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List |
time format | or the conÞguration Þles |
Description | This parameter changes the time to 12 |
| hour or 24 hour format. Use “0” for the 12 |
| hour format and “1” for the 24 hour format. |
Format | Integer |
Default Value | 0 |
Range | 0 or 1 |
Example | time format: 0 |
Parameter – | ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List |
date format | or the conÞguration Þles |
Description | This parameter allows the user to change the |
| date to various formats. |
Format | Integer |
Default Value | 0 |
Range | |
| Following table shows the format for the |
| corresponding date format values: |
| 0: WWW MMM DD |
| 1: |
| 2: |
| 3: DD/MM/YYYY |
| 4: DD/MM/YY |
| 5: |
| 6: MM/DD/YY |
| 7: MMM DD |
Example | date format: 7 |
13Model 480i SIP Admin Guide