480i IP Phone Set up
The Aastra 480i Web Client
To access the Aastra 480i Web Client, open your web browser (supports Internet Explorer and Gecko engine based browsers like Firefox, Mozilla or Netscape) and enter the phone’s IP address into the address Þeld, starting with the web preÞx “http://”.
In the side menu of the Aastra 480i Web Client, there are three main categories: Status, User and Admin.
•The STATUS category contains read only status information for
•The USER category contains user conÞgurable
•The ADMIN category contains administrator only conÞgurable
For more information, refer to the section “480i IP Phone Con- Þguration” of this document
The default for the administrator user name is “admin” and the password is “22222”. For a user, the default user name is “user” and the password Þeld is left blank. The user level password can be changed using the web client.
5Model 480i SIP Admin Guide