Fixed Features (continued)
Ringing Line Selection | Automatically selects ringing line | ● Just lift handset to answer |
| when call comes in. | any call. No need to touch |
| any buttons. |
Send Message | Enables attendant to notify person | ● Attendant does not have to |
| that a message is waiting. | call or leave console to give |
| people messages. |
| ● Attendant can keep track of |
| who has a message at a |
| glance. |
Transfer | Makes it possible to pass outside | ● Attendant can pass incoming |
| calls to any voice terminal in the | calls to the right people effi- |
| system. Person to whom call is | ciently. |
| transferred hears a distinctive ring | ● Attendant can screen calls on |
| indicating a transferred call. Calls | intercom as part of transfer. |
| may be transferred either with or |
| without an intercom |
| announcement. |
Transfer Return | If transferred call is not answered, | ● Transferred calls are not lost. |
| it rings again at voice terminal |
| where it was received. |
Voice Terminal Programming | Makes it possible to program voice | ● Customize each voice termi- |
| terminal for custom features. | nal in accordance with |
| priorities of business and |
| needs of individual. |
Voice Terminal Testing | Makes it possible to determine | ● Easy troubleshooting. |
| whether all visual and audible indi- | ● Verify that voice terminal has |
| caters are working by moving a | been installed properly. |
| switch on the side of the voice |
| terminal. |
Volume Control | Makes it possible to adjust sound | ● Each person can control loud- |
| Ievel of voice terminal ring and | ness of ring and speaker. |
| speaker. | ● Reduces office noise. |