Appendix A. | Section |
*Private Password - The private password feature allows a user to enter programming and access to all programming parameters including the system and remote passwords. The private password may always be used to enter the system.
*Additional Remote Administration Interface (RAI) Access Method - In addition to the existing RAI access, a new RAI access method has been added. The RAI access allows an incoming call to be transferred to the RAI (either manually or by Automated Attendant) and then the caller enters the remote or private password.
ISDN Programming Flexibility - The existing ISDN programming has been enhanced to allow programming flexibility in the following areas: Network Type, Auto Progress, NSF, ISDN CO Type, ISDN International Dial Code Deduction, ISDN Long Distance Code 1 Deduction, and ISDN Type and Plan Option.
Software Corrections
SMDR Stopped Printing - In earlier versions, the SMDR output from the DBS would stop printing and not reset. This problem has been corrected with this version.
SMDR Header Printed More Often Than Every 60 Lines - In earlier versions, the SMDR header printed more than every 60 lines. In this version, the SMDR header now correctly prints out every 60 lines.
Last Digit of Voice Mail One Touch Key Was Truncated - In earlier versions, if a Voice Mail
Previously Unable to restrict 800+ Numbers for TRS types 5 and 6 - In the previous version if an
Override Toll Restriction with SSD Numbers Address Was Not Available - In the previous version, the programming address FF1 2#1#4# could not be accessed. The address is now available in this version.
DID Call to a Voice Mailbox Received Main Greeting - In the previous version, in a
Page | DBS Manual - Revised April 2000 |