VHF Marine Radio Protocols
VHF Marine
Channel Assignments
Channel Use
01 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)
01A Port Operations and Commercial, VTS in selected areas
02Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)
03Public Correspondence (Marine Operator)
03A Government Only
04 Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Port Operations, Ship Movement
04A West Coast (Coastguard Only); East Coast (Commercial Fishing)
05Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Port Operations, Ship Movement
05A Port Operations, VTS in selected areas
06Intership Safety
07Public Correspondence (Marine Operator), Port Operations, Ship Movement
07A Commercial
08Commercial (Intership Only)
09Boater Calling Channel,
11Commercial, VTS in selected areas
12Port Operations, VTS in selected areas
13Intership Navigation Safety
14Port Operations, VTS in selected areas
15Environmental (Receive Only). Used by class C EPIRB’s.
15Canada (EPIRB Buoys Only); International
16International Distress, Safety and Calling
17State Controlled (U.S.A. Only)
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