i n t e l l i g e n t | w i r e l e s s | p l a t f o r m |
2.8.2 Wireless Configuration
The wireless parameters need to be configured to allow the Remote Bridge airHaul2 Nexus PRO unit to associate with the Root Bridge unit.
Follow these steps below to configure the Remote Bridge Mode wireless association parameters:
1Go to the menu bar and from the Radio dropdown menu, select the particular radio that has to be configured with the wireless settings in the Remote Bridge Mode.
2Enter the SSID of the Root Bridge airHaul2 Nexus PRO unit.
3Enter the radio MAC address of the Root Bridge airHaul2 Nexus PRO unit.
4Choose a radio domain from the drop down list.
5Choose a radio channel to associate the client with the root device.
6Select the Transmit power of the radio from
7Select the gain of the antenna from the dropdown menu as per the gain of the antenna being used with the equipment.
8Enter the RF cable loss based on the cable specifications
9Click the Apply Changes. The units will attempt to associate.
Note: Clicking on ‘Status’ will display further details on the association
Figure 2-37 Remote Bridge Wireless Settings
airHaul2 Nexus PRO™ User Guide | Page 53 of 113 |