records the maximum wind speed and gusts collected during the day. Wind speed and gust alerts can be programmed based on
Selecting Wind Window
Press main unit UP or DOWN until the WIND icon on the display starts flashing.
Note: The wind speed alert is set at 5 mph default and the wind gust alert is set to 7 mph default to prevent false alerts from small fluctuations.
Configuring Wind Display
With the wind icon flashing, press the SET button to alternate between “wind chill with direction in bearings”, “wind chill with direction in compass points”, “anemometer temperature & wind direction in compass points” or “anemometer temperature and wind direction in bearings.”
Setting Wind Speed in km/h, mph, m/s or knots
With the wind icon flashing, press and hold the SET button to set the wind speed units in km/h, mph, m/s or knots.
Viewing Wind Statistics
With the wind icon flashing, press the MEMORY button to recall a current wind speed, a daily maximum wind speed with
“DAILY MAX” displayed, a gust speed with a “GUST” displayed and a daily maximum gust speed with a “GUST DAILY MAX” displayed.
Resetting the Wind Statistics Memory
With the wind icon flashing, press and hold MEMORY button to reset all wind statistics.
Enabling or Disabling the Wind Alerts
With the wind icon flashing, press the ALARM/CHART button to recall a current wind speed, a wind speed alert with the
“ALARM HI” displayed or gust alert with the “GUST ALARM HI” displayed. 24