This test only functions if the P1 symbol is displayed. Apply pressure to system until P1 changes to P2 (Test Pressure). If a P1 (pre- stress) pressure has been entered the system must be pressurised to this level. Bleed system. The display will then clear until test time has elapsed. PASS or FAIL will appear on the display and be automatically logged with test conditions. This logged reading can
be replayed on screen by pressing and 1 keys or output to an
Epson compatible printer by pressing and 4 keys. It cannot be output to a PC other than via Hyper Terminal. Consecutive records will overwrite each other so must be output to printer before performing another test. After showing the PASS/FAIL the display will immediately revert to current pressure. The instrument must be reset manually for each new test.
Models HHP-2024, 2084
At key
customise press and hold the key
EXTERNAL PRESSURE TRANSDUCER CONNECTION Pressure range selectable (in Bar) with Sensitivity range selectable (in mV).
Power supplied
+5 Volts (± 0.25 Volts equivalent to 5%)
Wiring instructions
Red Wire = + supply, Blue Wire = - supply,
Green Wire = + signal, Yellow Wire = - signal
WARNING: Care should be taken to ensure the wiring instructions are followed as incorrect wiring of the cable to the transducer may damage the instrument.
Press key and NE will appear before the display clears. Enter scale percentage. Only the first two digits entered are valid - this gives a scaling from 1 - 99%. This value will be multiplied into current display to give user defined scale. Press
to accept. NE will stay displayed and current reading will appear. A downward arrow will indicate that this feature is active.
WARNING - whilst in this mode over range indication (out) is disabled. Do not over pressure the instrument.
From +20°C to +30°C/+68°F to +86°F 0.1%rdg +0.1%fs +1 digit From
The overall performance of the instrument is obtained by combining the stated accuracy and any uncertainty due to the measurement process.