Woodstock M1039 manual `k`feXcJX\kp@ejkilZk`fejfii`ccGi\jj\j

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I<8;Xe[le[\ijkXe[k_`j \ek`i\ `ejkilZk`fe dXelXc Y\]fi\lj`e^k_`jdXZ_`e\% J\i`flj g\ijfeXc `ealip dXp fZZli `] jX]\kp Xe[ fg\iXk`feXc`e]fidXk`fe`j efk le[\ijkff[ Xe[ ]fc$ cfn\[% ;F EFK i`jb pfli jX]\kpYpefki\X[`e^

LJ<k_`jXe[fk_\idXZ_`e\ipn`k_ZXlk`fe Xe[ i\jg\Zk% 8cnXpj Zfej`[\i jX]\kp ]`ijk# Xj `k Xggc`\j kf pfli `e[`m`[lXc nfib`e^ Zfe[`k`fej%Efc`jkf]jX]\kp^l`[\c`e\jZXe Y\ Zfdgc\k\Ç\m\ip j_fg \em`ifed\ek `j [`]]\i\ek%=X`cli\kf]fccfn^l`[\c`e\jZflc[ i\jlck `e j\i`flj g\ijfeXc `ealip# [XdX^\ kf\hl`gd\ekfigffinfibi\jlckj%

(% <P<&=8:<&?8E;GIFK<:K@FE% A face shield used with safety glasses is recommended. Always keep hands and fingers away from the drill bit. Never hold a workpiece by hand while drilling! DO NOT wear gloves when operating the drill.

)% J<:LI@E>9@K% Properly tighten and securely lock the drill bit in the chuck.

*% :FII<:K9@K% Use only round, hex, or triangular shank drill bits, or tapered shank drill bits mated with the appropriate sleeve.

+% 8;ALJK@E>B<PJ8E;NI<E:?<J% Remove all adjusting keys and wrenches before turning the machine FE.

,% ;I@CC@E>J?<<KD<K8C% Never drill sheet metal unless it is securely clamped to the table.

-% JLI=8:<&NFIBG@<:<GI<G8I8K@FE% Never turn the drill press FE before clearing the table of all objects (tools, scrap wood, etc.) DO NOT drill material that does not have a flat surface, unless a suitable support is used.

.% ;8D8><;KFFCJ% Never use tools in poor condition. Dull or damaged cutting tools are hard to control and may cause serious injury.

/% ;I@CCFG<I8K@FE% Never start the drill press with the drill bit pressed against the workpiece. Feed the drill bit evenly into the workpiece. Back the bit out of deep holes. Turn the machine F== and clear chips and scrap pieces with a brush. Shut power F==, remove drill bit, and clean table before leaving the machine.

0% FG<I8K@E>JG<<;% Always operate your drill press at speeds that are appropriate for the drill bit size and the material that you are drilling.

('% D8@EK<E8E:<&JG<<;:?8E><J% Never do maintenance or change speeds with the machine plugged in.

((% DFLEK@E>NFIBG@<:<J% Use clamps or vises to secure workpiece before drilling. Position work so you avoid drilling into the table.

()% K89C<CF:B% Make sure the table lock is tightened before starting the drill press.


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Contents DLCGHB6CJ6A Page Additional Safety Instructions for Drill Presses Fek\ekjJIM@ D8@EKE8E FGI8K@FEJ JKLG G8IKJ NffjkfZbK\Ze`ZXcJlggfik 8YflkPfliE\n$Jg\\i`ccGi\jjJg\Z``ZXk`fej FekifcjXe=\Xkli\j J8=KP J8=KP `k`feXcJX\kp@ejkilZk`fejfii`ccGi\jj\j Ok\ej`fefij Fg\iXk`feIfle`e JL==F8K@FE?8Q8I LegXZb`e@em\ekfip Xe`dXcj%DXZ`e\GcXZ\d\ek \Xe`eDXZ`e\Dflek`ekfJfg=cffi 9fck`ekffeZi\k\=cffijKfj\Zli\k\Zfcldekfk\YXj\#fk\j\jk\gj1 FcldeXe9Xj\KXYc\9iXZb\k Kf`ejkXcck\kXYc\jlggfik#fk\j\jk\gj1Small Lock ?\XjkfZb `cclZbXe8iYfi Using a rubber mallet, seat the chuck as shown in =`li\0Zc\Xek\dXk`ejliXZ\jdXpZXlj\k\kXg\i\ KXYc\ Fne\\?Xec\jXe 9\ckfm\iBefY`kMFecp \Zfdd\e\ 8aljkd\ekj \jkIle \gkJkfgXc`YiXk`feGX\  =\\JXkJgi`eK\ej`feGX\ Kf`ejkXccXi`ccY`k#fk\j\jk\gj1 \e\iXcKfi\dfm\Xi`ccY`k#fk\j\jk\gj1 Lj`ek\i`cc9`kJg\\Xikj Ffj`eJg\\jXe`eJg\\j KfZXe\jg\\j#fk\j\jk\gj1FGI8K@FEJ =`li\,. Belt configuration and speed settings \gkJkfg `cc`eKfj\kk\\gkjkfg#fk\j\jk\gj1 KXYc\IfkXk`fe KXYc\K`ck8iYfiI\dfmXc Kfi\dfm\k\i`ccZlZbXeXiYfi#fk\j\jk\gj1KXYc\#fclde#9Xj\ \Xe`eClYi`ZXk`fe$9\ckj JIM@ \gkJkfgXc`YiXk`fe=\\JXkJgi`e \ej`fe Kf Xaljk k\ \\ jXk jgi`e k\ej`fe# f k\j\ Jk\gj1\Zki`ZXcfdgfe\ekj 110V Wiring KiflYc\jffk`e GIF9CDQuill binds. Retighten jam nut and recheck for KXYc\&fclde9i\Xbfne ?\XjkfZb9i\Xbfne GXikjC`jk Part DescriptionXPK07M KEY Page N8II8EKP NXiiXekpI\`jkiXk`fe Place Stamp Here