((%;FEFKLJ<@E;8E><IFLJ<EM@IFED<EKJ% DO NOT use machinery in damp, wet locations, or where any flammable or noxious fumes may exist.
()%B<<GNFIB8I<8:C<8E8E;N<CCC@K% Clutter and dark shadows may cause accidents.
(*% LJ<8>IFLE;<;<OK<EJ@FE:FI;I8K<;=FIK?<D8:?@E<8DG<I8><% Undersized cords overheat and lose power. Replace extension cords if they become damaged. DO NOT use extension cords for 220V machinery.
(+% 8CN8PJ;@J:FEE<:K=IFDGFN<IJFLI:<9<=FI<J<IM@:@E>D8:?@E<IP% Make sure switch is in OFF position before reconnecting.
(,% D8@EK8@ED8:?@E<IPN@K?:8I<% Keep blades sharp and clean for best and safest performance. Follow instructions for lubricating and changing accessories.
(.%I<DFM<8;ALJK@E>B<PJ8E;NI<E:?<J% Make a habit of checking for keys and adjusting wrenches before turning machinery FE.
(/% :?<:B=FI;8D8><;G8IKJ9<=FI<LJ@E>D8:?@E<IP% Check for binding and alignment of parts, broken parts, part mounting, loose bolts, and any other conditions that may affect machine operation. Repair or replace damaged parts.
(0% LJ<I<:FDD<E;<;8::<JJFI@<J% Refer to the instruction manual for recommended accessories. The use of improper accessories may cause risk of injury.
)'%;FEFK=FI:<D8:?@E<IP% Work at the speed for which the machine or accessory was designed.
)(% J<:LI<NFIBG@<:<% Use clamps or a vise to hold the workpiece when practical. A secured workpiece protects your hands and frees both hands to operate the machine.
))% ;FEFKFM<II<8:?% Keep proper footing and balance at all times.
)*% D8EPD8:?@E<JN@CC<A<:KK?<NFIBG@<:<KFN8I;K?<FG<I8KFI% Know and avoid condi- tions that cause the workpiece to "kickback."
)+% 8CN8PJCF:BDF9@C<98J<J@=LJ<; 9<=FI<FG<I8K@E>D8:?@E<IP%
),%9<8N8I<K?8K:<IK8@E;LJKD8P9<?8Q8I;FLJKFK?<I<JG@I8KFIPJPJK<DJF= G<FGC<8E;8E@D8CJ#especially fine dust. Make sure you know the hazards associated with the type of dust you will be exposed to and always wear a respirator approved for that type of dust.