Woodstock M1039 manual DXZ`e\GcXZ\d\ek, Xe`eDXZ`e

Page 13



› =cffiCfX[1 This machine distributes a heavy load in a small footprint. Some floors may require additional bracing to support both machine and operator.

› Nfib`e^:c\XiXeZ\j1 Consider existing and anticipated needs, size of material to be processed through the machine, and space for auxiliary stands, work tables or other machinery when establishing a location for your drill press.

› C`^_k`e^1 Lighting should be bright enough to eliminate shadow and prevent eye strain.

LJ<_\cg\ijfigfn\ic`]k$ `e^\hl`gd\ekkfc`]kk_`j [i`cc gi\jj% Fk_\in`j\# j\i`flj g\ijfeXc `ealip dXpfZZli%

D8B< pfli j_fg ÈZ_`c[ jX]\%É <ejli\ k_Xk pfli nfibgcXZ\ `j `eXZZ\jj`Yc\ kf pfle^jk\ij Yp Zcfj`e^ Xe[ cfZb`e^ Xcc \ekiXeZ\j n_\epflXi\XnXp%E<M<I Xccfn lekiX`e\[ m`j`kfij `e pfli j_fg n_\e Xjj\d$ Yc`e^# X[aljk`e^ fi fg\iXk$ `e^\hl`gd\ek%


The table and other unpainted parts of your machine type are coated with a waxy grease that protects them from corrosion during ship- ment. Clean this grease off with a solvent clean- er or citrus-based degreaser. DO NOT use chlo- rine-based solvents such as brake parts cleaner or acetone—if you happen to splash some onto a painted surface, you will ruin the finish.

E<M<I lj\ ^Xjfc`e\ fi fk_\i g\kifc\ld$YXj\[ jfcm\ekj kf Zc\Xe n`k_% Dfjk  _Xm\ cfn ]cXj_ gf`ekj# n_`Z_ dXb\ k_\d \oki\d\cp ]cXddXYc\% 8 i`jb f] \ogcfj`fe Xe[ Ylie`e^ \o`jkj `] k_\j\ gif[lZkjXi\lj\[%J\i`flj g\ijfeXc`ealipdXpfZZli `]k_`jnXie`e^`j`^efi\[

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Image 13
Contents DLCGHB6CJ6A Page Fek\ekj Additional Safety Instructions for Drill PressesJIM@ D8@EKE8E FGI8K@FEJ JKLG G8IKJ 8YflkPfliE\n$Jg\\i`ccGi\jj NffjkfZbK\Ze`ZXcJlggfikJg\Z``ZXk`fej FekifcjXe=\Xkli\j J8=KP J8=KP `k`feXcJX\kp@ejkilZk`fejfii`ccGi\jj\j Ok\ej`fefij Fg\iXk`feIfle`e @em\ekfip LegXZb`eJL==F8K@FE?8Q8I Xe`dXcj%\Xe`eDXZ`e\ DXZ`e\GcXZ\d\ek9fck`ekffeZi\k\=cffij Dflek`ekfJfg=cffiKXYc\9iXZb\k FcldeXe9Xj\Kfj\Zli\k\Zfcldekfk\YXj\#fk\j\jk\gj1 Kf`ejkXcck\kXYc\jlggfik#fk\j\jk\gj1Small Lock ?\XjkfZb `cclZbXe8iYfi Using a rubber mallet, seat the chuck as shown in =`li\0Zc\Xek\dXk`ejliXZ\jdXpZXlj\k\kXg\i\ KXYc\ Fne\\?Xec\jXe 9\ckfm\iBefY`kMFecp \Zfdd\e\ 8aljkd\ekj \jkIle \gkJkfgXc`YiXk`feGX\  =\\JXkJgi`eK\ej`feGX\ Kf`ejkXccXi`ccY`k#fk\j\jk\gj1 \e\iXcKfi\dfm\Xi`ccY`k#fk\j\jk\gj1 Xe`eJg\\j Ffj`eJg\\jLj`ek\i`cc9`kJg\\Xikj KfZXe\jg\\j#fk\j\jk\gj1FGI8K@FEJ =`li\,. Belt configuration and speed settings \gkJkfg `cc`eKfj\kk\\gkjkfg#fk\j\jk\gj1 KXYc\K`ck KXYc\IfkXk`feKfi\dfm\k\i`ccZlZbXeXiYfi#fk\j\jk\gj1 8iYfiI\dfmXcKXYc\#fclde#9Xj\ \Xe`eClYi`ZXk`fe$9\ckj \gkJkfgXc`YiXk`fe JIM@Kf Xaljk k\ \\ jXk jgi`e k\ej`fe# f k\j\ Jk\gj1 =\\JXkJgi`e \ej`fe\Zki`ZXcfdgfe\ekj 110V Wiring GIF9CD KiflYc\jffk`eQuill binds. Retighten jam nut and recheck for KXYc\&fclde9i\Xbfne ?\XjkfZb9i\Xbfne Part Description GXikjC`jkXPK07M KEY Page N8II8EKP NXiiXekpI\`jkiXk`fe Place Stamp Here