=cffiCfX[1 This machine distributes a heavy load in a small footprint. Some floors may require additional bracing to support both machine and operator.
Nfib`e^:c\XiXeZ\j1 Consider existing and anticipated needs, size of material to be processed through the machine, and space for auxiliary stands, work tables or other machinery when establishing a location for your drill press.
C`^_k`e^1 Lighting should be bright enough to eliminate shadow and prevent eye strain.
LJ<_\cg\ijfigfn\ic`]k$ `e^\hl`gd\ekkfc`]kk_`j [i`cc gi\jj% Fk_\in`j\# j\i`flj g\ijfeXc `ealip dXpfZZli%
D8B< pfli j_fg ÈZ_`c[ jX]\%É <ejli\ k_Xk pfli nfibgcXZ\ `j `eXZZ\jj`Yc\ kf pfle^jk\ij Yp Zcfj`e^ Xe[ cfZb`e^ Xcc \ekiXeZ\j n_\epflXi\XnXp%E<M<I Xccfn lekiX`e\[ m`j`kfij `e pfli j_fg n_\e Xjj\d$ Yc`e^# X[aljk`e^ fi fg\iXk$ `e^\hl`gd\ek%
The table and other unpainted parts of your machine type are coated with a waxy grease that protects them from corrosion during ship- ment. Clean this grease off with a solvent clean- er or
E<M<I lj\ ^Xjfc`e\ fi fk_\i g\kifc\ld$YXj\[ jfcm\ekj kf Zc\Xe n`k_% Dfjk _Xm\ cfn ]cXj_ gf`ekj# n_`Z_ dXb\ k_\d \oki\d\cp ]cXddXYc\% 8 i`jb f] \ogcfj`fe Xe[ Ylie`e^ \o`jkj `] k_\j\ gif[lZkjXi\lj\[%J\i`flj g\ijfeXc`ealipdXpfZZli `]k_`jnXie`e^`j`^efi\[
8CN8PJ nfib `e n\cc$ m\ek`cXk\[Xi\Xj]Xi]ifd gfjj`Yc\ `^e`k`fe jfliZ\j n_\e lj`e^ jfcm\ekj kf Zc\Xe dXZ_`e\ip% DXep jfcm\ekj Xi\ kfo`Z n_\e `e_Xc\[fi`e^\jk\[%Lj\ ZXi\ n_\e [`jgfj`e^ f] nXjk\ iX^j Xe[ kfn\cj kf Y\ jli\ k_\p ;F EFK Zi\Xk\ ]`i\ fi \em`ifed\ekXc_XqXi[j%